I weigh 275.0 pounds. I’m 6 Feet Tall. I’m a male. And, I have 280 days left of satan. How do you keep your passport safe while traveling to other countries? And, I can’t sleep. I’ve been dealing with satan for 14 years. I just wished I read The King James Version Holy Bible. I should have obeyed God. And, now I’m having a hard time sleeping at night. And, I’m proud of you all. You all are Married. You all have kids. It’s 10:08 p.m., where I’m at. And, I just can’t go to sleep. I just want to lose weight. I really do. And, I deal with satan talking to me. And, he always tells me what to do. I see my Medical Doctor on August 13th, 2024. I see my Psychiatrist on July 25th, 2024.
Hey @rod1985 how are you doing mate?
@JayCoast I’m still struggling. I hope that you are doing excellent. You lift me up. How you go through life. I know that God promised us 70 years on Earth. I know that you have a wife, and kids. And, I’m proud. I’ve been doing some walking. How have you been lately? And, I just need to lose some weight. I know that you don’t hear satan’s voice. I’m glad that you have peace. I’m proud of you.
Hey Rod! I’m ok. Just trying to check on you and others. Are you getting help? Do you have a therapist? I’m sorry it has been so long for me to reply, i don’t get notified of these. Will try to come in more often.
An update for today. I’m still feeling rough. I weigh 269.0 pounds from yesterday. I now have 363 days left of satan. I found out yesterday that my first cousin passed away a couple of days. I’m so devastated. And, she was 37 years old. They are going to do an autopsy to find out what really happened. And, I talked to her 2 months ago. I haven’t been sleeping. And, now we have to plan for her homegoing service. My Aunt is devastated. I cried with her brother. And, the first cousin lived out of state. My sister gotten the news while we were watching a movie in the theater.
Hey Rod, so sad to read about your cousin. These are hard news, especially when deaths are sudden.
269 pounds from 270 is some progress. Good to see this. Keep it up.
I have one question: What do you mean with having x days left of Satan?
@JayCoast Thank you so much for checking on me. I need as much help that I can get. I don’t want to be hospitalized. And, the medicine, my Psychiatrist gave me doesn’t work. My Therapist has been out of town, the last 2 weeks. I wished the medicine would make me better. It’s an Invega Sustenna 234 mg, injection. I understand. I hope you do come more often. I need the help. I just need satan out of my life. he controls my body.
@JayCoast Thank you. It is truly saddening for me about my cousin. Thank you, I need to lose a lot more weight. I’m 6 Feet tall. I’m supposed to be 136-183 pounds for my height. That’s the weight I need to be to have a normal BMI. I’m just sick of satan controlling me, and telling me what to do. I want him out of my life. satan tells me how many days that I have left of him. I have 37 unclean spirits from sinning. I know that you’re a young person, and you haven’t received your knowledge of the truth yet. I received mines at 25 years old.
An update for today. I’m still feeling rough. I weigh 269.0 pounds. I have 360 days left of satan. I just want to be free from him. It’s been a 14 years punishment with him. I’m at 37 unclean spirits. And, I wished I didn’t sinned. I should have read The King James Version Holy Bible. And, satan talks to me in my head. satan bothers my chest when I’m eating. I just want to keep my Social Security Disability. I’ve been disabled with Schizophrenia since 2008. I was sick in 2006. I missed work to do a lot of eating out. I wished I had guidance by people.
HI Rod, I’m trying to be here more often, I think there might be a time difference as most users here are likely in the US and I live in Europe. So it is often a 6 hour difference on average. Thank you for being here often and doing everything you can to get help. I know it is hard. Do you know when is your therapist coming back? Can you also tell me how do the meds help you?
Wow! Then I’m very overweight :D. I’m 5’4’’ and weight around 150 pounds. I also need to lose weight. Doing my best to do so, but want to exercise as well.
I had a cousin pass away at 27 from a heart attack, it was very hard for me as she was close to us. I can relate to your feeling, and I’m super sorry for this.
Thanks for explaining the days left thing. I was asking because on your initial post you mentioned you have 280 days left, but then about 26 days later the number is now 363 days left? Shouldn’t those numbers go down instead of up?
Can you tell me what happens when those days reach zero?
Hi Rod! Thanks for today’s update. I want you to know that we all sin, and God forgives when you repent. I think it is clear that you have repented. Can you help me understand the unclean spirits thing as well? Just to know what do you mean.
You are not alone! You have help from your therapist and your psychiatrist. And in this site, me and others are here to help you at the very least by reading you and listen to you.
An update for today. I’m still feeling rough. I’m still dealing with satan. I weigh 269.0 pounds. I have 351 days left of satan. My cousin’s Memorial is Saturday. My Aunt’s Church is in a different state in the United States. So, please pray that we will able to find her Church. I get lost easily. I don’t have a car charger. And, I just have to spend a night at my Dad’s house tomorrow. The Memorial starts at 10 a.m. My cousin has already been cremated. And, I just need good positivity. And, I’m so thankful for this site. I wished I would have stopped sinning. I thought it was easy to get rid of satan. It’s nowhere near easy. It’s extremely hard.
@JayCoast Yeah, I live in the US. I talked to my Therapist on Tuesday. It was great. The meds help me a little bit. My Psychiatrist told me that if I want to avoid hospitalization, get an injection shot. Hospitalizations are scary. Trust me, i’ve been there 12 times. It’s hard to get discharged. I love my freedom. Please pray that my mom don’t say anything to my Psychiatrist about me. We both see the same Psychiatrist on the same day this month. I see my Psychiatrist once every 4 weeks. My mom sees him once every 8 weeks.
@JayCoast You’re a little overweight. The highest weight you should be for your height is 145. Keep doing your best. Sorry to hear about your cousin. Me, and you both should eat better, and lose weight, so we’ll never be in a health crisis. Thank you. Hopefully her Memorial can bring closure for me. The numbers should go down. But, because I have 37 unclean spirits. I have to do a double empty, swept, and garnished. So, satan tells me how many days I have left as we go along. When it reaches zero. I would have The Holy Ghost. And, no more being controlled by satan
@JayCoast Hey Jay. You’re welcome. I love this site. It’s wonderful. I repented of my sins. I just kept on doing the sin, and now I’m paying for it, by dealing with satan even longer. I hope satan doesn’t add anymore days. I’m ready for him to leave. Thank you for reading. I just think about sin. I’m so used to it. I just feel like sinning now. But, it would make me worse, and I would be on my last warning. I’ve been dealing with satan for 14 years now.
What do you mean by satan? Who is your satan? Whats up with you and religion?
Hi Rod, Thank you so much for replying. My question to you is: Why is Satan setting the terms? Satan is nothing and no one, and should not be setting the terms for you. We all sin, all of us. do you think Satan will give you the tools to get rid of himself?
An update for today. I’m still feeling rough. I’m still dealing with satan. I weigh 271.8 pounds. I have 349 days left of satan. It’s 10:08 p.m., where I’m at. And, satan causes me to stay up at night. I don’t ever want to be hospitalized. It’s a horrible feeling. All, my Psychiatrist do is give me injections of Invega Sustenna 234 mg. And, satan talks to me in my head. All he does is tell me what to do. And, it’s get tiring everyday. I just don’t want to be hospitalized. So, I just deal with it. I’ve been dealing with since July 2010. And, I have to deal with him through July 25th, 2025. satan continues to add time to my punishment.
@nicekiwi The devil satan. satan comes in different names. He can go by lucifer, legion, devil, molech, and he brings unclean spirits. he isn’t my satan. God created him because of our sins. God sent satan to warn us about hell. I want to go to Heaven. So, in order to go to Heaven, and obey God. I believe in God. And it’s not just religion. It’s our whole entire life from God.