I'm going to leave you with something I posted in here befor

I'm going to leave you with something I posted in here before. Not because of self-promotion or anything, but because I hope it makes someone smile. I call it "To Fall." Hope you enjoy it. Good night, friends.

I don't want to fall into love.
I want love to fall into me!
To fall as if it had been waiting
since the beginning of time itself
just to find the one safe place
it was truly meant to be.
To fall as though there were
no stronger arm or softer touch
in which to find itself resting.
To fall like the lost wanderer,
the snow, the rain.
To fall like the tears
of a new mother,
To fall like a star.

To fall completely, eyes closed and
arms out, head back, in
defiant confidence that nothing
could come between this
beautiful, ecstatic, wonderful,
infinite, moment of anticipation
and its own fulfillment.
To fall like the season itself,
with all of nature's glory
encompassed within.
To fall like a child
learning his first steps.
To fall like a whisper:
a whisper that says,
"I love you."

To fall like that.

4 Hearts

Very nice jon, thanks for sharing.

@turbulence Thank you

Aww that was beautiful

@lauren6 Thank you

I like it a lot.

@audrey_josette Thank you

I enjoyed reading, thanks for this :)

1 Heart