I'm having a dark couple of days because I'm going through another break out whenever I have a break out I like to keep a note of how long each out break last and the pain level another thing I like to do is keep my eye on where the out breaks occur (I have HSV2) and I noticed that my out breaks use to be far away from my vagina then started to get close I'm getting worried that on more break out it'll actually be on my vagina....I think I would probably pass the hell out because the pain is horrible I can't think about if it gets on my vagina
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How many breakouts have you had? have you found anything else from tracking them? frequency etc?
I believe this is my 5th or 6th break out since being diagnosed with HSV2 this past February...nope I haven't found out anything else I'm almost worried to find out something else but I keep tracking to see if each out break is moving closer to my vagina and to see if some out breaks are shorter or longer than others...I've noticed that I've had out break back to back for 3monthsabd that's the first its ever been as frequent