I'm having a really rough time lately. I never thought I'd be "one of those girls" (and I know how judgmental that sounds--please forgive me)---one of those girls that lost herself completely in a guy. Many of my friends have been in actually abusive relationships---relationships where the guy was so obviously abusive that anyone could see it. I don't think my current relationship is necessarily abusive--I don't think he's necessarily doing anything wrong TO me... but I know that there is definitely something wrong WITH me in this relationship. Tonight I tried to write---without criticizing myself for being pathetic or anything like that---I tried to write down exactly what I felt when I didn't hear from him, didn't know where he was, or I can't get a hold of him. Here's the list I made:
When I can't reach him or I'm afraid I'm losing him, I feel...
- like I can't breathe
- physically sick
- this unbearable tightness in my chest
- like if I start crying, I won't be able to stop
- extremely terrified
- hopeless. Completely incapable of getting beyond the crazy state I'm in UNLESS I hear from him & he reassures me that he still cares for me
- incredibly overwhelmed
- unable to think about anything else
- nothing else in my life can be right if this relationship could potentially be going wrong
- desperate -- so, so, so desperate--- like I'd do anything to make it right again--like this is the only thing in my life that matters
- pathetic
- confused
- angry
- betrayed
- really, really, really crazy
- ugly
- fat
- completely unloveable
- like there is nothing left
- like the only way out from all this pain & terror is to run away from it (sometimes I think a lot about dying & possibly seriously hurting myself)
Trust me, I know how crazy this sounds. And I think I hate that above anything else--that I feel like such a freak and that no one will ever understand me or no one will get it or they'll judge me if I tell them... so that's why I'm writing here... to people I don't have to look in the face when I tell them how much pain I'm in and why I'm in that ridiculous amount of pain... because I just know that people in my life will think I'm nuts or lose respect for me or brush it off or make me feel even dumber & more crazy than I already feel or all of those things... it would just be a nightmare.
I don't know what to do. It's like I'm fighting this battle within myself all the time--like there is a side of me that's confident and feels wonder and enjoys life and feels special and proud and has goals and dreams and hopes----and then there's this other side of me that hates myself so much I can't stand it, that's so incredibly confused, that has completely lost itself in this one relationship & bases its entire existence/purpose on that relationship, that sees absolutely no point in living, that can't see past the pain. I hate when the voice of that second half of myself gets so loud that I can't hear the first. And it's happening far too often lately.
I know this post is already super long, but I thought I'd give you a brief overview of this relationship. I'm a 26 year old female. He is 33. We've been best friends for 8 years and lived together for a good portion of those 8 years. Though we'll sometimes say we've been in a relationship (because--honestly, it's hard to call it anything else besides that) we've also never called each other boyfriend and girlfriend. We have sex. We have fun together. We love a lot of things about each other. However, we have one major difference in our view of life & love... and this difference is like a brick wall that we keep banging our head against. He feels like love should always be free & open & that you should be able to love as many people as you want in your life & to have sex & intimate relationships with as many people as you want. He's all for polyamory. And I'm not. I do see the logic & I want to say I believe in the "freedom" and "openness" of love... but I can't seem to not feel jealousy. Also, I realize, that ultimately, I do want to be in a relationship with one person... having a relationship with a ton of people sounds like way too much work... and having a relationship with someone who wants to be in a relationship with a ton of other people sounds like it would be very, very lonely sometimes... and I'm really not into swinging & orgies & threesomes(+). Those things may be okay on occasion---but I don't feel strong enough to have them be my life. He argues that the reason I want a monogamous relationship is because of lack of self-esteem, too many cultural/societal values saying that monogamy is what I deserve or should want, and generally because women want to feel special. In one way, I think he's a total **** & in another way, I kind of see his point. Regardless, I know it's not what I want for me. So I know I will have to leave him & move on. However, like I said above, I can't even handle not getting a hold of him on the phone... how the heck am I supposed to let him go completely? What do I do? I'm just at a complete loss & I'm worried about how much longer I can take this constant anxiety... as I know he's looking to be in a relationship sooner than later... and I know he wants to keep me around... but it just makes me cringe. And recently he told me that I am kind of crazy (understandable given that I know I am way too attached & that it's not healthy) and that I'm also overweight and that I should fix that so I have more self-esteem (which is actually true--I am definitely obese---but even though him telling me that is honest & true-- it just makes me feel even less confident & I've struggled with my weight for a long time & haven't been able to change it---so I just don't feel hopeful for changing it now or anytime in the near future--plus, with how big I've gotten, I bet it would take a LONG time for me to get back to a desirable size)... I'm just really scared because of how hopeless I feel... like I just don't know if I'll be able to keep doing this. Any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated! Or if you can relate in any way---it just sucks to feel like you're alone & are the craziest person on the planet!