I'm new but trying

I'm reaching out to try to help myself. I was with a man for 21years (10years together/11yrs married). He was an alcholic and emotionally challenged. After leaving him I keep making the same bad choices in men. I am not comfortable being alone and I know I need to correct that.

My most recent relationship has been 8 months and we are talking marriage. Although I truely believe I love this man I see problems brewing. He can be a very sensitive/caring person but he is possessive and doesn't seem to trust me. I know the problem needs to be addressed or the relationship cannot work. I also know that I need to be content in my own skin to be a productive part of this relationship.

I know I need to address my problrms before we could begin to work on us. Am I crazy to believe this relationship could work?? Am I setting myself up for another failure?

gmather, welcome to support groups hun.....i hope we all can help you decide what needs to worked on and why from our own experiences. his possesiveness is his issue, yours would be how you act/react to it. is there any reason why you can't have a talk about it. making sure you share how you are feeling and not "attacking" his possissiveness. i'm assuming that you are feeling smothered (this was my experience) learning to communicate is a fine art as there is male talk and female talk. what we say is not what they here and visa versa. and how we speak, the tone, the attitude etc is very important. so to answer your question can the relationship work, of course but it does take 2. so give a go. remember timing is everything,, don't jump of the guy when he gets in from work. again hun, this is all from my own experience from my marriage....its been 19 years and counting.....