I have bypolar disease. And get this It started when I was 12. That was 50 years ago. Well now you know my age. What you don't know is how I got to this point. Briefly, a lot of ups and downs for which I had no clue until about 10 years ago when a smart counselor put a handle on it. But I still didn't fully believe it so I was on meds and then I was off meds (by my own choice). Turns out I was doing what typical "bypolars" do. When I was taking meds I was feeling good and I decided I didn't need them or waste my money. All totaled, about 10 cycles. Sound familar? About 25 years ago I was a professional design engineer and I was on top of my game. Then I was laid off (the project was canceled), father got pancreatic cancer (died in 3 months), mother of my daughter and son dicided she wanted a divorce. I was working my tail off to make payments on the stuff we had collected, house, cars, etc. So in my thirties, I thought I could have an evening drink "so I could get a good nights sleep"and start again next morning. The drink turned into 2, then 3, then 4, and more, and more because the anxiaty had taken hold of me and I didn't realize I was pouring gasoline on a fire. All my efforts to keep my life together did not work. But I keep on in a manic phase, burning the candle at both ends and in the middle, father's funeral, mom needing help with the house, trying to find a job, keeping in touch with my kids. Long story short, this kept up for about 15 years. Then I got diagnosed with bypolar (then it was compulsive-obsessive disorder or manic-depression syndrome) and I got on some meds and got a llitle better? but I was still enjoying the drink. I've already described above the on-again off-again ups and downs. I felt like a yo-yo. Well I won't bore you guys to much more except to say: I got with my doctor, I'm back on the meds, and I'm not taking the drinks. I hope I'm smart enough to stay this way. I always said when "I've learned all I'm supposed to learn in this life and taught it to all I'm suppose to teach it to, then I'm probably outta here (God will decide, not me). Enough for now I think so I thank you for your time and look forward to reading any responses I receive.
I'm sorry. There is one more very important thing I have to mention. I know from past experiences (many) that any form of alcohol is detrimental to managing bypolar desease. Alcohol will drive the mania or manic phase higher and longer. When the "steam" runs out of the mania and depression comes on alcohol will drive the depressed feelings down faster and deeper. This happens whether you are taking medications or not and no matter what kind of body metabolism you have. Just don't drink alcohol. Some of us finally get it!
From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder