I'm not really sure how this group works?I need to hear from other women over age 50 who are stuggling with weight,food,compulsive eating issues.Been stuggling with these issues since in my late 20's.Also are there any Christian women stugglers.I'm doing real bad right now and need someone to be friends with even if you're still stuggling so I know I'm not alone since it's hard to find women in my age group stuggling.
oh my, hello 52, binge and purger,nice to meet you, that among other things, but you can always enquire at a later date if you wish. STRUGGLING is not even close, here i sit at 9:30 at night dreading in fear the night to come. i have severe insomnia and usually up all night, then the spiraling downward purging begins, purge, binge, ect... you know the drill. the shame, the hatred, the disgust, bargaining, hopeless and then twords dawn i feel like, theres hope, untill i do it again. BIG FAT FAILURE!!! so thats me in a nut shell. nice to meet you, maybe we can become positive non judgemental friends, let me know , take care jodi
Hello mrsclark. I am looking for someone to connect with also. I am 54 and I think my first diet was Weight Watchers when I was 14. So that's 40 years of never feeling normal around food and weight and what to eat or not eat. I need support but I'm afraid of being a "downer" to people, because I feel so depressed and hopeless about what I believe is a food addiction. I know we all have our stories. My most recent story is my worst nightmare. That is my husband has left me because of my food addiction. We have only been married 15 months ( I was widowed at age 50) he says he can't handle the depression and mood swings that my diet/binge cycles bring about. But I don't purge so as a result I've gained about 30 lbs in one year! No wonder he left me right? I am trying to just stay sane and go to work every day. I am a Christian, but not very religious. Just letting you know you are definitely not alone. Its a painful place to be and I understand how you are feeling.
we sound so much alike.Seems like everyone does WW.I would have started dieting as a teen myself but I was on so much medicine for epilepsy that I wasn't able to exercise or really think about my weight.I stopped taking medicine at about 16 without doctor knowing .I hated being so doped up and not able to think right.I binge huge amounts of foods and can binge for days and really gain huge amounts of weight.I than go on a crash diet and try to exercise to get the weight off.I want to binge real bad now but am chewing gum instead.I'm having so many problems right now that are interfering with my part time job and hope it doesn't cause me to get fired.I can't afford to lose my jobI'm Christian too but not acting like one that's why I'm trying to find others also stuggling cause of this eating disorder.I'm having depression too.30 lbs a year is nothing compared to me during a binge puts on easily 15-25 lbs and than I try to chrash diet it off.I don't purge by throwing up.Would like to make non-throwing up,friends.I have mood swings too cause of diet/binge issues too.My husband is medic depressic so he has his moods too.We should support each other
@mrsclark - I just wrote a long message back to you and I wasn’t logged in so it didn’t post! Crap! But I have to go now so I’ll write again later. Hope you have good day.