I'm not sure if I fit this group.I'm over 50,f, who stuggles

I'm not sure if I fit this group.I'm over 50,f, who stuggles with weight,food,diet,issues.I binge hard time on sugars and put on weight fast than I feel bad and crash diet the weight off.Are there other women with weight,diet,binge ,compulsive eating issues over age 50 here.

mrsclark of course you fit this group, i struggle with food, i know what the problem is it stems back from a long time ago, i go days without food then i binge on it, iv'e never been on a diet because iv'e never eat enough to put on any weight, i don't eat anything sweet, the only time i have any sugar is in coffee, and when i get a craving for a bottle of coke, i know now i have an eating disorder, this has gone unnoticed for years, my body is not not getting the goodness it needs, the only time i realize iv'e gone too far is when my jeans start getting slack, sometimes i won't eat for 3 or 4 days not because i don't want to put on weight i don't feel hungry. i don't know what's worst over eating or under eating.