I'm not sure if this is an achievement - but I managed to av

Guys, I do not even know if I am binge free or not. I eat a lot but in a planned way, so I guess that is not a binge. Eating a few items above the planned items is considered a binge? I'm so lost in all the food measures. I didnt have the kind of binge I used to have (eat all food around me) in days. So if that counts, i think it's an achievement.

1 Heart

@theendofit It really depends on what you classify as a binge. What is your binge behaviour? What is it about your binge behaviour that you would like to be free from? To me it is eating when I’m not hungry. As long as I reach for food when I am not hungry, I classify it as a binge. It’s just too easy for me to have something when my husband’s eating, or the kid’s are eating, or when I walk to the kitchen or walk pass or even smell food. So this is the behaviour that I want t be free from. That’s my binge behaviour. As long as I do not eat unless I’m hungry, I consider myself binge free. This is so tough. Such a tough fight. Honestly, since I came onto this site, I think I am doing much better. Trying to do it alone is such a killer.

What I feel would help me a lot is a crisis support. When I face the difficult moment, I really want to do a chat or talk to someone who knows how it feels like and who can help me change the direction I'm going. Without a constant crisis support network, I will continue to fall into traps. It is just so easy to give up control when I'm alone. But I really don't know how to find a network like that...a few people on my chat so that I can get a hold of one at least...

2 Hearts

What makes me really sad about being a blimic is that I completely isolate myself from others. When I binge, it's like I need no other friends. I don't contact my friends, my family or anyone. It is so much easier to be with food as a friend. It doesn't ask questions or demands anything from me. It's just so convenient. I just suffer from low self self-esteem and other psychological and physical problems, but I can relieve myself from dealing with 'people' in a way... The more I become intimate with food, the more I avoid people...and become incapable of dealing with real people and real world... I don't know how to get out of this world. I don't know what it is really.

1 Heart

@nenerat your Ed (eating disorder) is saying all those things to u! Find the strength to fight of theses thoughts. They can just b thoughts. Do not give them power

We are here to share what worked for us and perhaps what we do can work for you. Keep sharing and we'll get to know where you are in your ED. Someday they may find a cure for our ED so for now we need to learn the skills to improve our self esteem and put into action what we did to over come and manage our ED..........HUGS, JOAN

2 Hearts

Thanks Joan you are so right. Good luck

Avoiding your trigger foods is one of the keys to taking back your power and surviving this disorder! Good for you! A lie like that to your parents won't hurt them, and you may be able to share it with then in the future when they understand your BED better.

1 Heart

I managed one day binge free after long time. I had a peaceful evening... let's see. I want to experience the peace again... I get exhausted by being with people as I try too hard to please them and not prioritize my need. When I avoid people, it seems to make it easier for me to stay away from binge. Maybe I should try to stay away from people as much as possible...

I'm about to end another day binge free... I feel like I'm walking on a tight rope though...

1 Heart

@nenerat It’s time to celebrate ! Congratulate yourself with an applause for yourself and a “Well done!” You’ve already achieved a great deal but remember that as a human, you will make mistakes. You can make it through today but whenever your string of success ends, congratulate yourself again for doing so well and try to get back on track as soon as possible. You’re doing great!

Thank you. Fingers crossed... I take one day at a time and appreciate the moment of peace...