Im on a relay team and we are really good to the point where we've made it to state. The only thing is that we dont talk to each other. Which is weird because we've known each other for two years ad we should be the closest 4x1 ever but when we are together i dont know what to say
A lot of times its just awkard silence and its frustrating
Wow this is painful, its really awkward. Im just on my phone to avoid the awkwardness
Idk what to say to them
I'm not really the best at figuring out what to say to people, I've kind of grown used to the silence personally, but that's me lol
I would suggest that next time you're with them, you maybe ask what music they're into, see if you share similar tastes. And if asked why you're asking, you could simply reply that you thought it'd be nice to bring some music for the car ride, but wanted to know what type to bring. You could ask them what their plans are for the rest of the day, share your own if you wish. If you watch any particular TV programme or Youtuber, you could see if any of them do as well, might be able to discuss that.
There are some ideas, but it's the same basic concept, just propose a topic and see which one baits them to respond with interest, then continue one with it for as long as you can, before trying another one.