I'm pissed, hurt, and and anxiety is so bad I can't settle d

I'm pissed, hurt, and and anxiety is so bad I can't settle down. A so called friend and coworker stopped by yesterday. He said he was getting to the point the job we worked as partners together for 10yrs was getting to much for him. We have the same PM and neurologist Drs. He said he wanted to see if he could get the Drs. to say he has the something I have wrong with me. Then he said so he can lay around and do nothing and collect money and get on the same meds I get. He also thinks because he had surgery that he is way worse then I am. I hear others at work think that also. For one I would trade places with anyone of them just so they can see the pain I go through day by day. Drs. told me they don't want to do surgery because they didn't want to make me worse. I didn't get any options. My situation isn't the same as theirs. He also said most of them are trying to get on FMLA so they can miss time without getting in trouble because I milked the crap out of it. For one I have a disabled wife in a wheelchair. I am also considered disabled because of my Chairs Malformations and syringomyelia. I also have disc problems in lower back and neck. I hate when people disrespect you. Treat you like your faking and lazy. In don't just lay around I'm always doing something. I cook, clean, wash clothes, take care of dog, do yard work and I'm a care giver. And about to heave this phone at the wall next time that you have new feed logo pops up. What the heck is it for. I hit it and it doesn't do anything but interrupt what I'm doing. Pops up every 30 seconds. Anyways what do you have to do to get people to believe I'm not faking, I'm really in a great deal of pain and it effects my life physically and mentally. And the meds are to help for that reason. NOT TO GET HIGH ON.

1 Heart

I am so sorry you are experiencing this. You know the TRUTH and more importantly GOD knows the TRUTH. It's not fair that people that are more than capable of working just want to be lazy. They think that way because that is what they would be doing! Truth will prevail!!! My old boss just contacted me and said get all your stuff together for your long term disability we are hiring a lawyer for you. I didn't ask them to do that they did it on their own. Don't you worry my friend. God has your back. You have prayer warriors out there for you and Melissa. Proverbs 3:5-6
King James Version (KJV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I know you are in a lot of pain and yet everyday you find a way to encourage someone. Touch someone's heart. God sees that and you will be rewarded for that. You snd Melissa are always in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you both.

1 Heart

I know my friend. To say what they are saying is like me saying I wish I could fake it like my wife so I can ride around in a power wheelchair all day. I worked 42yrs of the 54yrs I lived. I been in a great deal of pain for 31yrs of that. I was told I shouldn't be working by 4 different Drs. But that isn't the way I roll through life. They all got mad at me for working. Buy they said they respected me for not giving up and living my life the way I felt I had to. Did it make it worse? I don't know because it is doing harm either way. It will never get better, its always going to continue to do more damage day by day. I might have speeder up the process but I'm not going down without a fight

1 Heart

@fozz I’ve been there myself. The job I was at for almost 20 yrs, my coworkers who I thought were friends felt the same as yours. Healthy people just don’t understand. They see how they feel and think it would be great to not have to work but collect a check. They don’t understand chronic pain. I’d do anything to be able to stay at my current job. But again its not looking too good. I’ve been so sick and its not letting up. Take care.