I'm scared to be close to people...scared im going to be so

I'm scared to be close to people...scared im going to be so emotionally hurt I won't cope. I was so emotionally abused causing PTSD ....how can I ever trust people again...

I think people who don't trust are wise. Humans are strange and unpredictable creatures. You don't need to make yourself trust, others need to earn your trust. Be clearly aware of what your boundaries are. That makes it easier for you to communicate your boundaries and also react appropriately when your boundaries are crossed. Often, people who have been abused aren't confident about communicating how they want to be treated and then they get mad when others cross their boundaries - which isn't fair since you're not clear. Instead of focusing on trying to open yourself up, focus on protecting that little kid inside you. If you were your child, how would you expect others to treat you. That's an easy way to measure it. Also, if you're having trouble attracting others to you, remember that confidence and smiles and laughter are the most attractive qualities in anyone.

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@Ariel7890 thank you…yes I do need to think about if it were my child how would I want them to be treated. I used to be so happy, outgoing and opptimisstic…I feel its been stole from me…by others actions…

i have a hard time accepting that people have been intentionally cruel... i make excuses for cruel actions. and it makes me want to avoid everyone because i feel like i can't trust my own perceptions of people or myself. but i notice i constantly feel on guard and wonder what others motives are...