I'm sick of depression. I'm sick of being afraid to fully come out. I'm sick of pretending to be somebody I'm not.
I'm sick of feeling like I want to cut, because I know I shouldn't and can't. I've been cut free for 4 months and I've been trying to keep it that way.
I want to be able to say that I'm depressed. Only one person knows, and that person is my best friends whom I almost never talk to anymore. I hate this day.
I wish I had an actual, true friend. Someone who didn't stay away from me, or judge me just because I'm overweight.
Hi Forgetlove. I know how you feel. I too am battling depression and cutting myself. (In an effort to keep myself from doing worse). A few people know about my situation. I think it makes them uncomfortable. They were my friends but now it's just an occasional hello if we happen to bump into one another. My husband also knows and, unlike my friends, has been very supportive. He and I both know that my abusive life as a child and teen are what contributed to the bisexuality. I'm very lucky to have him. I'm willing to listen if you need to talk. Oh, and I don't judge. I have a little saying that I like and you've probably heard it, "Never judge a book by it's cover". I've always liked that. I believe in that. So, don't be too hard on yourself. I'm not going to judge you because you're overweight. Hell, I'm overweight. You hang in there. Try to enjoy life.
Why do you have the need to be accepted by others? Though I don't know you and have never seen you,I am sure that you are as beautiful on the outside as well as in the inside.
Look at yourself in the mirror and accept yourself for what you are and if there are those that do not want to be with you than seek those that will.
Focus your life on what you enjoy the most and be happy. Don't worry about what others think or say about you. Most of the time we worry about what others think or say about us and in reality it is not true. They are to busy worrying about others think about them.
Live life to it's fullest. There is so much to see. Travel the world and help others be themselves!
Hey Forgetlove. I am right with you on that. I have depression, an eating disorder, suffer from depression and I am a lesbian. It's not a fun combination at all.