I'm thinking about doing the triple treatment, but I'm working full-time. Has anyone done the treatment while working full-time?
I think it depends on the person on how the side effects are. I would not be able to work while on it right now but you may be different. it is something you may want to discuss with your doctor and even your employer.
Ok thanks. Just hate feeling fatiqued most of the day. And want to feel better.
I'm just beginning tom accept my hep c problem. I hate feeling so fatiqued during the day and night. I hate carrying this burden alone. I hate having to avoid having sex.....I understand. I want to meet people who are going through the same anguish that I am.
I am on the triple therapy and I am working full-time, I am half way through the 12 weeks. I do have a very flexible job which really helps. I take my shot on Thurs nite and typically work from home on Friday...then I have the weekend to get thru the worst of it. Hopefully you have some vacation saved up, you might need to take some days off. I definitely told my employer what I am going thru and they have been very supportive, I know not everyone will be in this situation.