In AA they talk about how insidious and sneaky alcohol can be. Well I can tell you from first hand experience that when you quit smoking, your brain will come up with every excuse and trick in the book to get you to light up again. So when that little voice at the back of your mind starts talking, you do need to listen to it, but you also need to be aware that your minds is doing its best to justify smoking again.
Thank you for posting this. I think it is important to get reminders and these kind of supportive posts to help keep perspective and goals in focus. No matter what group I am in to hear things like its normal to second guess yourself, but that we can push through self doubt is really powerful.
The first time I quit smoking, I did it on my own. I stood like Tarzan beating on my chest and telling everyone that I did it on my own, didn't need support or help. Six months later I was smoking again. Okay maybe there is a Tarzan out there that can put them down and never look back. But the avrage person is not Tarzan, we are human, and need the support of others to get through the tough times. I was stupid and paid for my arrogance.