In Recovery, So Proud

So last month, I decided it was time I grab ahold of myself and get on the road to recovery from my binge eating disorder. After four years of binging, restricting, and overexercising, I knew I had to change. I didn't want to be in college obsessing about food and my body when I should be focusing on school, friends, and life. It was scary at first, changing my thought processes, looking at food differently, and letting go of the obsession, but let me tell you, in the past 6 weeks, I feel like I have become a whole new, bright, beautiful, and confident person. I have only binged once in the past week (which is a milestone for me) and I knew immediately why it started. And instead of dwelling on it, beating myself up, or trying to restrict to make up for it, I woke up the next morning, lived in the moment, and accepted it as a new day. It is fantastic feeling like the world is open to me. I no longer look at calories, weigh myself, or focus on how long I exercise. I love being active, I enjoy vegetables and the occasional ice cream cone, and I know my weight and size are just stupid numbers, my health is all that truly matters. I no longer focus on other womens bodies, wishing I had this feature or that, I love my body for all the things it can do for me. And now, I'm back to focusing on boys, and I feel like theyre noticing me more too! And not because I look any different, but because my aura is different! I feel like I'm glowing. It is so wonderful to think about food when my stomach is hungry and not worry about it all day. Resturants no longer scare me, my coworkers bringing in cookies no longer makes me want to run home, and eating is no longer a battle for me. In fact, meals have become enjoyable, like when I was a little kid and calories didn't exist. Oh how I hope you all reach this level someday, and I have faith you all will. Everyone is this strong. You just have to let go and accept the beauty of life and LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Not in an hour from now, not in yesterday, right this very second. Someday I know I will be without a binging episode and/or thought and will be able to call myself recovered, and I look forward to that. For now I am proud to say I am truly in recovery and enjoying every second of my life.

artist.....this is a great positive statement of intent! Thank you for sharing!
I love that you are focusing on LIVING IN THE MOMENT!! This is truly one of the most important skills to learn in order to live life fully!
Wishing you a great day....Jan ♥

I find this post so amazing and inspiring and I have dealt with binge eating for a while now 2 and I have not binged in 1 month and I feel really good. I am so proud of you that you can do all this. I hope you stay on the right track and be the best you can!!

Thanks so much for posting this.

I hope someday I too can achieve what you have.

It sounds wonderful and I'm very happy for you!! :)