In the waiting period

I'm new here. Found a spot on mammogram 1 1/2 weeks ago and confirmed yesterday with ultrasound. Now waiting for an ultrasound guided biopsy next Thursday. How the h*** do you stand the waiting? I'm trying to be optomistic, but becoming depressed.
Any advice?!?!?!?!?!

Try, please try to stay positive as hard as it is. I went through the same things about 2 years ago. And thank goodness it was beneign. (DOnt know if I spelled that right.) Hang in there!!!

I just went through the Biopsy on Dec 8th and had to wait until the 13th for my results. The waiting is hard - just have to try and think positive thoughts. Keep yourself busy so that you have less time to think about it. Hope your biopsy comes back negative. Good thoughts.....

Laurale, Sorry you have to go thru this. Waiting is the worst and there is no easy way to get thru it. I could say "Don't start worrying until you have something concrete to worry about",but you do so that won't help you. When I was in that spot I started working extra hours to take my mind off all the posibilities. I found this support site and started helping others, that seemed to take my time constructively. DON"T go on the internet as there are so many spots there that give in accurate info. After you have the biopsy there are 2 spots I really like for accurate info. and 18004cancer. The second number you can call and they will answer all of your questions and then send you the info. also. The MD staff also use this site so request your info for lay person's, same info just understandable. I will pray that you are given the strength you need to deal with the situation and any upcoming issues you may run into. Keep us posted. ((HUGS))

Hi laurale
Well the hardest part is waiting, but u do have to stay positive and strong, many of us on here will be more then happy to help you in anyway we can..
Praying for you

Laurale- How are things going for you, haven't seen you on here for quite awhile, hope everything is ok. Keep us posted we worry.