Inappropriate Behavior

Hello! I looked through my boyfriend’s phone and discovered a text message thread between him and another woman. She texted him asking for $220 and he sent her the money right away. I confronted him and I asked if he has any female friends. He replied no and stated that she was just a cool person. I became suspicious about the nature of their relationship. I was very curious as to why she felt so comfortable reaching out to him for help. He stated that she does not have a boyfriend. I think she felt comfortable enough because they have had sex, or she knows that he has a soft spot for her. What do you think?

I think it is good that he was honest, but bad that he told you only after you asked him about it. It’s good that he’s kind to people in need but bad that he is even in touch with someone he was physically involved with before, when you two are engaged. But that’s just my take.

I wonder why you’d look through his phone in the first place? Had he been making moves that caused you to distrust him? Was it instinct?
I looked through my ex’s phone when I saw a push notification from POF. Cheating liar made a FOOL of himself. My point is, if the trust is broken, you’ll both need to fix that if the relationship is to survive.
I hope you can find the clarity you need. We’re rooting for you!