Iphone apps for diabetes

pretty cool apps that can help track diabetes:

"As many diabetic people have defined their New Year's resolutions and decided to make an honest effort to have their sugar levels and exercise regimens under control, many of them are opting to using diabetes application managers that are compatible with cell phones, iPads and PC notebooks. We can agree that the days of recording and monitoring insulin levels, calories and sugar levels on paper are long gone. As more diabetes related medical devices such as insulin pumps and glucose meters are becoming more compatible with PCs, Macs and cell phones, the trend will likely increase over the next decade as it is projected that over more than 30 million Americans will suffer from either Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The market projections for developing more diabetic medical devices and user friendly software is expected to net billions of dollars for pharmaceutical and software companies.
Have no fear, the advent of new technologies that can interface with your glucose pumps, cell phones, desktops, iPad and laptops will be more practical to successfully monitor your health, exercise regimens and insulin intake. Today, if you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or an Android phone, you can download applications from your phone from iTunes, the Applestore, freeware sites and other websites for under $5.00"

read the rest here: http://www.examiner.com/medical-technology-in-pittsburgh/2011-diabetes-a...

Eh, whatever helps people take better care of their diabetes is alright with me.

would be sweet if they made an interface or cable or whatnot so the iphone or whatever couldbe your personal on demand blood sugar meter

that would be cool hopefully technology will get there