Ireland doesn't currently have any provision for trans people to legally change their gender. The gender recognition bill that was proposed last year was more a reluctant shuffle in the right direction than a real step. However now that same sex marriage is legal there seems to be being a knock on effect into trans rights.
One of the big issues with the proposed gender recognition bill - that married trans people would have to divorce (a 4 year process in Ireland) - is now no longer relevant at all.
If the bill changes to allow gender change by self determination (not requiring a medical opinion) as is now being proposed it would become one of the worlds most progressive gender recognition laws.
There are still parts that need improvement, but this would be a huge leap forward for trans rights.
2 Hearts
Davii that's wonderful! I'm always so happy to see society moving in the right direction, gives me hope for humanity.
1 Heart
@AnaLeigh@AnaLeigh it is great Ireland didn’t even decriminalize homosexuality until '93, and they’re now heading towards being at the forefront of lgbt+ rights. If things keep moving forwards and the bill is amended as is being suggested.
The laws are finally catching on to the truth!
2 Hearts