Is anyone else terrified that this will never go away? I've

Is anyone else terrified that this will never go away? I've been suffering with HOCD for six months now and I'm so scared that I'll be stuck like this for the rest of my life - convinced that I am lesbian even though up until six months ago I have always liked guys.

Hi there I'm a 20 year old man, I've suffered with hocd for three years on and off. I got over it after 6-7 months the first time. I couldn't walk past a man in the street without having a thought in my head saying "oh he's cute" and the same when I watched tv. I've got a girlfriend I've been with her for 3 years I've told her about it she understud, never check yourself that's the worst thing to do it makes you worse, you need to accept it's there and that's its just your mind playing tricks on you, you're just tormenting yourself. you'll have your good days and your bad days. I'm not gay I know I'm not and you're not a lesbian its just in your head but you just need to accept it's there and it'll pass

I'm a girl in the same situation! Been with my bf three years . Had OCD for two. I believe I'll have this forever we need to go see therapists

Watch the videos of Eddy Defoe and/or Mark Freeman on Youtube. Its the best medium for all the information we want you to know, understand - and most importantly - apply

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)