Is it possible to beat disordered eating behaviors on your own?

Without help from parents, friends, doctors, etc. Just completely on your own.

anything is possible hun, but in my humble opinion it would be wise to seek medical attention and share this with family/friends that you trust. the support is also here anytime you need us.

Hmm, depends if you have that much of will power. But I needed friend help, which helped my will power. And it was well needed.

It's something hard to do on your own completely. I have tried many times completely on my own and it never worked out. But everyone is different and healing does start with yourself, so trying on your own is a good start, but don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

beautifully said dramaticm and of course we are here if you need to chat

Yup. you just need a strong motivation dear. believe that you will suceed!

Thank you all, I appreciate all of your answers/comments!

Hi Riza....I would never tell someone that they could NEVER do something. But fighting an ED, and truly recoverying is not a matter of will power or motivation! Those factors have very little to do with a person's 'success'. Very few people are able to truly find recovery without some level of professional help, because it's about much much more than simply eating, or not having symptoms. Recovery requires changing your entire cognitive patterns of thinking and then developing new ways of thinking and taking care of yourself. It also is critical to have an educated professional who can help keep you accountable and offer you a safe listening ear to share and move forward in your awareness.
You would be doing yourself a huge favor, and quite possibly saving your own life by allowing yourself to get professional help. Don't deny yourself that gift.
Wishing you well...Jan ♥

Thank you Jan. I will think about seeing someone.

Hey Riza,
I am so sorry you are suffering with disordered eating, I understand how painful that is. Although a believer that nothing is impossible, I do believe that you would be making things 10 times harder on yourself to attempt to recover on your own and decreasing the odds of success.

The thing with disordered eating, is that most of the time we have no idea of the core reasons we do it...and that's why if you don't wish to speak to friends or family about it yet, I would highly recommend therapy.

Remember you don't have to live your life this way, just reach out and get some help and it's not about having the will to succeed at all, it's about changing your coping methods and your relationship with food and most importantly figuring out where all of this is coming from.

We are with you through this hun
Love to you
Moongal x

Thanks Moongal. I'm just apprehensive about seeing someone because I like to be in control and the way I see it, to see a professional is to relinquish that control. I don't particularly like to pass the reins onto someone else especially if it's something that concerns me.

Maybe I'm just being ridiculous. It doesn't feel like I have a problem because I'm not underweight yet and eat normally around others (though not by choice).

Anyway, I want to thank you all for your support. I'm grateful.