Is Low-Carb Good or Bad For You?

Do you think that a low-carb diet is good or bad for you? I read this debate and thought to share it with you;

The short answer is absolutely. Is a high-carb, high-fat, high salt diet safe? no and yet people are still more willing to argue against the much maligned low-carb diet. I believe it has received bad press because people do not really understand what a low-carb diet is. I have talked to people who believe low carb means eating protein and fat and nothing else. Low carb means eating more vegetables and less highly-processed foods, cutting down the stodge' and sugars that make American's average diet so bad...." -by Louanne Cox

Most people would remember Dr. Robert Atkins and his now infamous Atkins diet. Contrary to what nutritionists have been telling the public for decades, Dr. Atkins promises weight loss while eating all that you love. How hard is it to give up wholemeal bread for eggs and bacon? Losing weight while eating good food is like a dream come true. Even in the present era where medical science has proven low carb diets to be not only unhealth and potentially harmful to one's health, people continue to believe that a low carb diet is safe.

Has everybody forgotten that Dr. Atkins died as an obese man?..." by Y Tian



the problem with any diet that is hailed as the next best thing and like any change in food habbits u get a result, short term

mayb what we need is a nutrious dietian plan of seven days eating so people can adapt it to their own choices based on knowledge rather than in the dark

when i was younger there was a campaign "to go to work on an egg" it was everywhere at the time and im sure increased egg sales at the same time, so prehaps we could bring something like that back

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I totally agree with you Domestic! I actually don't believe in diets per se, but in creating a lifestyle. I tend to eat a bit on the lower carb side, but that's only because it feels good for me and works well. I still eat healthy higher carb items, such as fruits.