It felt like what a heart attack sounds like

i'm sure this was a panic attak, i think anyway. i was fine, hanging out at the bar by myself. an aquaintance offered me a puff off a doobie and then it started. the 'hole inside my head' got bigger again, i swore if it kept up i was going to swallow my brain. at this time strangers came out and passed more around. i politely declined because i felt extremely uncomfortable. i sat down at the bar and my ribs felt like they were going to squeeze the life out of me and my limbs felt tingly. i was also sweating profusely. i must have looked like crap because from over the bar the waitess said should i call you an ambulance? again, i declined because i wanted to die with dignity intact. she offered me a glass of milk and told me it would flush out the toxins. i took her up on it and about half an hour later i was alright again. i have stopped smoking pot. all of those symptoms i understand, except the hole in my head thing. i was wondering if anyone else ever got that sensation? everytime i got it i swore i wasn't waking up the next day, that i was going to melt into a puddle and die. does this happen to anybody else? its so strange. thanks for your replies in advance 8)

My son had the same type reactions to pot and had to stop using also. I don't know about the "hole in the head" sensations - I would have to ask him about that.

Pot can have some weird reactions, but everyone reacts differently. I'm glad you've stopped, because it definitely brings on panic attacks for certain people. When I have a panic attack, I get really sweaty and feel like I'm dying. I can't breathe and I pass out sometimes. If you ever need help, Im here!

Hi atomic honkey, In the early years of my smoking pot I was ok but after going several years of not smoking and then when I tried it again, I quit smoking it again because it would cause me to have what felt like panic attacks. My heart would race and I would feel panicky. I definitely didn't like that feeling. If you wish to be on the safe side though, you can have yourself checked by a doctor. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

thanks for the support, guys! this is awesome. not so awesome is that i had a couple too many beers a couple week ago and thought i could have a couple puffs. of course my judgement was clouded and i'm sure i puffed away like an idiot because of course i thought i was dying again. its like i'm allergic to learning or something! so this time i wrote everything down on paper(kinna like last rites, i really thought that was it) and i'm keeping it as a reminder of why i'm not supposed to smoke it. so i haven't smoked it since, and i plan on never again. really this time. hopefully i can stick to that. here's hoping! 8)

again, thanks for everything everybody. take care,

atomic honkey

Hi atomic honkey, How are you doing today? That is a really good idea to write everything down so as to have it to read as a reminder to yourself. I know how quickly we can forget things at times. So how are you doing with not smoking? Keep taking it one day at a time and keep us posted.

hi guys, i haven't smoked since that last time a couple weeks ago. for me its really quite easy to not do it, its just the occasional slip-up after a few beers or something. i hope i don't slip up anymore. i'm for sure keeping that paper for a reminder of why i don't toke anymore. the fear is in the writing and i hated every second. hopefully as long as i don't puff i'll not have those lousy panik attaks anymore. thanks for the support everyone! do have yourselves a great day 8)

atomic honkey

Hi atomic honkey, Just checking in to see how you are doing? Are you still clean of pot? I hope and pray all is going well with you. Keep taking it one day at a time. Keep us posted on how you are doing. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

hi guys, thanks for all the support. its really awesome. i've been doing really good. turnin down doobies left right and center. its pretty easy for me to do ifn i can keep my head clear of beer. (thats pretty easy for me too. no slip ups so far, hopefully i can stick to my no pot thing forever this time. so in short, i bin really great and clear headed. i appreciate all the support that comes my way. thanks again :)

take care everybody

atomic honkey

Atomic Honkey,

When you say "hole in the head" and the way you described how you felt, was it as if your spiritual presence that resides in your body became only aware of your internal functioning? As if you could only concentrate what was happening inside your thoughts and as if looking through your eyes, the rest of the world was nothing more than a peripheral movie? You still had a sense of your surroundings, but were so caught up in trying to remain calm and get yourself out of whatever panic you were in?

I've had those feelings at times and it feels like not only a panic attack, but that I feel "detached" from reality though I still know whats going on around me... Seems that just my "vision" seems to jump from an external presence to an internal mind-racing struggle to get a grip on myself. On top of it all, I felt my body get weak and sweaty, like I was losing control and my chest got tight. My breathing gets a little shallow and I think I'm going to suffocate or my heart is going to stop, but I know it's not. I'm a healthy 23 year old male and I live a fairly active lifestyle and don't really indulge on illicit recreational activities. I was curious as to more of your mental viewpoint and what you may have done to help break the panic cycle.

I've researched this feeling I had and I came across an article on wikipedia ( that better explains some of the feelings I experienced when I had a panic attack. Perhaps you can relate?

i haven't checked this out in a while. i'm having a really rough time. something horrible is happening to someone i love and i can't help them except with love and support. i haven't really eaten since saturday, sleeping horribly but the worst part is when i try to go to sleep i get these horrible sensations like i've been smoking pot but i havent and horrible visuals and i swear my heart leaps into my throat rendering me afraid to sleep. i'm so worried about my brother. so i have to get myself sorted(i'm going to the dr in like an hour). i'm needed in 2 places at once and i won't be able to function or keep up if i don't take care of myself. my kids need me here, my family needs me there. i have to get my **** straight.

please do take care and appreciate what you have now. it could change so fast.