Hello to my Support Group family! It has been a while since I have posted anything! How is everyone doing? I miss you guys!
Things have been extremely hectic here, but in such a good way! It has been OVER two months, (almost three), since I have purged or taken laxatives! Wooohooo! I must say I am pretty proud of myself :) It hasn't been easy but God has helped me through so much. I am gaining weight (which I don't like) but I am learning to be okay with it. I know there is still a long way to go, but I am fighting as hard as I can, and I never want to go back to the hell of ED.
A few days ago me and my basically fiance broke up :( It was really hard. Somewhat unexpected and then again somewhat expected. It does make temptation easier, since the whole time I was fighting for us. But I now know that I can fight on my own with the strength of God. I know I have a purpose and a destiny and a reason to be alive.
As I have already told you, You are AMAZING! Such an inspiration! Keep it up! You can do it!
Again, I am so sorry to hear about you and your fiancee. But keep fighting okay? I love your words,"I know I have a purpose and a destiny and a reason to be alive. And that is beautiful." Remember, you are beautiful Kasee!
hey kasee--how are you? i missed you soooo..i am so glad you have let god heal you this is soooooo wonderful and i am so oooooooo proud of you! you are an inspiration. really.
Allee, your words always lift me up so much! You are amazing! Thank you for your encouragement. I know that things will work out and I am so proud of both of us! We can and will and ARE beating this :)
Lilac, yeah almost 3 months! Trust me it hasn't been easy AT ALL. And I know there is a long road ahead. But God has been granting me so much favor and grace and strength to get through!
Maureen, Thanks so much for your encouragement. You are such an angel. You are an inspiration as well. The thing between me and my fiance is a long story really...some things happened right towards the end, hurt me a lot. Broke some trust issues, I thought it would be a good idea to take a little break to pray about some things and he decided it would be best to just completely end it. I know its hard and it sucks but it's for the best I know.
God will work everything out. There's somebody out there for me!
my beautiful Kasee!!! So glad you are on the site again! :)
I am going to spare the long speech cause I am going to see you this weekend :) YAY!!! Can't wait to spend the weekend with you girl!
Jen, Thanks for your encouragement! I'm glad that you are doing well as well :) I'm just always so proud of all of my support sisters <3 Y'all really are my heroes!
Ashhhllleyyy ahhhh I can't wait for you to be here! I'm so glad we FINALLY worked it out! You are amazing and we will have so much fun this weekend. I'm cleaning my room tomorrow because me and my sister are slobs :) lol I'm so pumped <3
hey kasee, we haven't met but hell, it's great to have another recovery-ee on here proving that it can be done, ED can be beaten!
and even through the hard times (sorry about it!) you still stand proud :-)
congrats on everything!
how have you been dealing with your ED? IP; OP? maybe you can sneak us some tips, lol!
Hi Kasee....obviously you have a lot going on and are facing some difficult choices..but I am happy and proud for you that you are working your recovery!
It's good to hear from you! Please share more and allow us the pleasure of your 'company'! LOL
HUGS...Jan ♥
Soooooooo nice to hear from you again!!!!!! I am sooooooo happy to hear that you are doing soooooo well with your ED. Not so happy to hear about your break up. Yet, you seem to accept it for what it is worth. I am not saying that it is easy but it is nice to not hear much self doubt or self defeating dialogue. Way to go girl!!!!
Maedi, Thanks so much for you encouragement! It is good to let people know that this CAN be beaten! I haven't really had very much treatment for it, only seeing a counselor every week. God has been helping me through it A LOT! I was supposed to go to IP treatment but wasn't able to raise the money for it. It's still a work in progress but it is so worth it! Btw, it's nice to meet you! I pray for all the best in recovery for you and I'm here if you need anything!
Hey Mrs. Jan! It's so good to hear from you! I have missed you terribly! You are always so inspiring and it means so much to me. Thanks so much for your good thoughts that I know you are sending my way :) I love you lots!
Shana, It's good to hear from you as well! It has been hard to not turn things inwardly and blame myself for events that have happened, but I know that won't help anything. The only thing to do is deal with it and be positive so I might as well make the best of it! :)