Its been the hardest 5 days of my life! From finding out abo

Its been the hardest 5 days of my life! From finding out about new betrayels to my husband checking out on me and our marriage and us seperating. I didn't eat or sleep for 4 days. Today I ate, and i napped for six hrs. I feel a little. It better physically but emotionally i am not. Right now I feel numb its hard to focus and keep a positive mind and clear head. I think I'm going to try working out tomorrow hopefully I can find a sitter so I can have some time to myself. I need to grieve. I can only grieve at night when my daughter is asleep. I can't let her know mommy is going through it. And she is beginning to ask questions like are u OK mommy? Over and over, she asked how come I don't smile and shes been asking where he is. What do I tell my 4 yr old?

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You definitely need some time to yourself. Go exercise. Do something to take your mind off the situation. When I found out my wife cheated I had a full blown panic attack. Then I threw my self into exercise. Almost a year ago and I still think about it every day.

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It sounds like you ate going through hard times on my second child not more then 2weeks. My husband brought home his next girlfriend. Was no picnic mental idiot he was

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