It's been three weeks since school started and I'm already stressed. Two of my four classes are fine, nothing is due until the end, but these other two classes are stressing me out!
Which two classes would that be?
Group Counseling and Couples Counseling
Welcome to college my firend, but if you are really falling behind explain to your teachers sooner than later and they will probably be willing to work with you a litte.
@dark_and_twisty71 I’m not falling behind, it’s just the amount of work load that i see and freaks me out. Totally not falling behind lol
@spriterook7 omg coffee is like my lover! lol As for the assignments, they’re all pretty much on the same level. The problem is that I have to observe groups and it’s more of freaking out about the possibility of NOT getting a chance to do so.
getting opportunities booked.
omg that last part describes one girl's RIDICULOUS! and to be honest, erally annoying because here i am busting my *** for the same things! But fortunately, my internship site said it was okay to observe and gave me times, so, as i'm finishing my first ***ignment due tomorrow, it does give me a sigh of relief that I have a second place to observe. as for that calling, for the third place, i'll definitely do that on my day off this week.
AWw thank you!