I have been eating what I need, not really following my meal plan, more eating what I want just not too much. I may be eating too little though, I am not sure. I know I am not getting in enough fats...
I have been exercising more, though I am only allowed 2 days a week at 20 minutes each, I have been doing much more than that.
I went to my nurse appointment. I lost weight. It wasn't intentional, it just happened.
I don't mean to be doing this. I am not starving my body, far from it. I should eat more, at least more fats... I am not exercising too much from what I did before in my last recovery, just enough to keep me happy and less stressed. I didn't mean to lose weight. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
things happen. don't be too hard on yourself.
i usually keep a journal of what i ate everyday.
the name of the food, how much, how many calories are in it and when i ate.
this helps me keep track of what i ate and when. an idea for you may be to keep a journal but to add the fat amount in it to know how much you are taking in.
if it becomes an obsessive thing or could become so, then don't. but worth a try.
I do kind of keep a journal, it is a little obsessive. I am eating, I have been. Its just all the sudden I am like sure I will eat, but I don't want to eat too much fat. I want to be healthy. But of course I am probably looking at this wrong, and healthy is a lot more fat than what I am getting.
I guess I am just hitting a rough patch. I have to start incorporating more fat into my diet, I can't lose more. The nurse wasn't mad at me, she was just like well try to get it back up next visit. But I don't want to, I feel horrible if I did that.. but I know I have to. :( Plus I did tell her I was sick the one week and I could barely eat and then now I am just having issues...
I don't know what I am going to do. At least I am eating, one bright side i guess.
i understand the dilemma. my doctor is going to have a fit on me when i see her. i have a baby appointment next week. i know i haven't gained any. i haven't lost either. she is going to tell me i NEED to gain for the baby sake.
i didn't say you weren't eating. i could tell that you were, it was just hard for the fat part of the diet. it is not always happy eating fatty foods. maybe try things like snacks that are high in sugars. they taste good but are sweet so it is harder to eat a lot of them. that could help. i don't know. pizza is a good choice when you want to gain some.
i had to deal with learning to enjoy eating which is hard. considering i loved to eat, as long as i could puke it if it was too many calories. learning to enjoy food is hard. but i may help if you can eat with a good friend or something. someone that can help you take your mind off what you are eating and on a good conversation. when i first started, having someone to eat with and stay with me for a bit helped a lot.
allee---hmmmm this kinda sounds like me --say in the summer time when i wasnt getting much fat in me----and i was excercising but not soo soo much-- but enough to overstress my body a lot. but i was eating--i was but ---not quite enough for what i was doing... i was trying though but it wasnt where i needed to be...
i know you are having a hard time allee--but i think you can pull through this. i know the weight loss can be a thrill....but think of so many many many ohter things that can give you a thrill. life is full of surprises and thrills and weight loss should not be one of them. i remember that one article you sent me ---and it was saying how us with ED have a PROBLEM with the 'rewards' center in our brains----so while it is a thrill --allee -----it wont bring us JOY. YOU know???? a thrill is a temorary thrill but joy lasts a loooong time....
and that thrill can be dangerous....
and that thrill is---like the eupohoric rush of heroin---so try not to let it affect you....