Ive been fighting this HOCD for 6 months now. Before this wh

Ive been fighting this HOCD for 6 months now. Before this whenever i saw a guy the only reason i would look at him is so i could size him up. But now everywhere i look i notice guys even if the are ugly and something is telling me i want them but i really dont. I have also noticed that my attration women keeps getting weaker. Is this normal for someone with HOCD or am i really gay after all?

1 Heart

You have HOCD. I'm sure of it. Attraction doesn't just "fade away", that's a sign of HOCD. And I'm your age, have had it for almost four years, and trust me, it get's better. It's a good thing that you've had it for only six months (though it's still a pretty long time), but it can be easily cured and gotten over.

Good luck and welcome to the forums! :D

Well, I'm your age implying that 1996 is your birthyear. lol