I've been told by a ton of people my whole life that I wasn'

I've been told by a ton of people my whole life that I wasn't pretty or I was trash and I shouldn't be here. People get mad at me when I tell them I don't believe them but how am I supposed to do that when I've only heard bad things? I'm not happy with myself either and don't have anyone to talk to that I can trust anymore.

2 Hearts

Well you have people now. I am sorry to hear people have put you down. We can't control other people but we can do for ourself. You need to find good things about yourself because I know there are plenty for you

2 Hearts

Don't listen to them. They r probably just wanting to be a stick in the mud. You are pretty. Don't let any one tell you different. U can pm me if u want

2 Hearts

Oh hun, I feel for you. For the pain you have endured at the mouths of others. I was treated the same way when I was young by my own mother. I know how much that hurts and after awhile you start to believe the things they say. But I can see that you are beautiful and are most definitely NOT trash. I wish I could give you some comfort or some of my strength. But you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.

3 Hearts

Sweetheart you are never alone. Whether you know it or not their are always people who care about you. You are a gorgeous young woman and never let anyone tell you different. If people tell you other wise, then they dont deserve to be in your company. Im not a religious individual but i do know God loves us all equally. Keep your head up god is great.

1 Heart


1 Heart

I have been where you are. Not in that context but something similar. I was always told i was never good enough and that i wouldn't amount to anything, yet here i am. Really though try not to let it get you down. These people are just not happy with their lives and take it out on truly amazing people. Love who you are and what you have become. Only then will you be truly happy.

1 Heart

I honestly don't know how to love myself. I've done things that messed me up really bad. I'm not happy with myself.

Hey, we've all been there at one time or another but its how we grow from those mistakes that make us who we are. IM me and i can tell who how ive grown from my mistakes and actions.

Ive been there myself, we've all made mistakes or done things were not proud of. But dont let past mistakes define who you are, what should define you is how you pick yourself up and how you learn from them. Believe me when i say that youre not alone, there are people here who will be more than happy to be there if you need someone to talk to. Feel free to drop me a message if you ever want to just vent out some anger or need someone to moan to. Im sorry to hear people have put you down, but i can promise you..they are speaking complete and total rubbish. You're such a pretty girl, i can almost guarantee it stems down to jealousy. Keep your chin up sweetie :)

If the icon you use, is a photo of yourself, you are an attractive young lady, and when you give people the chance to know you, they will see how beautiful you are. I bet when you smile, you melt hearts. You just have to learn to care for yourself the way you care for others.
Learn from past mistakes, we all make them. I could write a novel about all the mistakes I've made. We learn from them, and move on.
Hang in there and smile once and a while....

4 Hearts

@Mark1325 Beautifully put. Amen. I have the same issues so your post touched me too. Thank you!

Its hard to believe it. I know. But sometimes you cant expect others to think ur pretty if you dont believe you are. If you keep letting urself be sad their gonna think ur ugly. Stuff happens, you'll get thru it. Trust me

1 Heart

You can trust me....and you need to know that these people telling you these horrible things....they are just cruel and mean. People do such things to make themselves feel dominant. Don't listen to them(:

1 Heart

I've been where you are. Still am. I have this friend whom I've always admired for her looks and poise, since I have zilch of either. A while back, she was getting me ready for a sort-of date I had, and I couldn't recognize myself when I stepped in front of the mirror. I can't say I looked beautiful but I looked far better than I usually do. And then she gave me her trick for looking great. Everybody has their bad points and their good points. The trick is to be objective, analyse what your good points are, and highlight them. Play down what you feel you don't like. If you look at filmstars' photos w/o makeup, you wouldn't give them a second glance! This was a pretty rad bit of perspective for me, and I'm still trying to accept all of it and put it to good use, but here you are, sharing it with you if it helps! Loving hugs to you!

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