Iv'e gained 40 pounds this month. All I keep doing is crying my eyes out....and eating.
Try to set a block of time, even if it is a small one to really fight the urges to be very upset or stress eat. Then everyday at more time aside. Replace the eating with another coping strategy instead during that time. Take a walk, write, something to distract you. It week get better, you need time and to take good care of your self so you can let this be something that will make you stronger.
You are grieving...it is a long process. I have learned over the past 2 years to just give it time...try to stay away from the vices that just mask the pain and set little goals...i.e. cleaning the dishes, mowing the lawn, getting groceries, go for a walk, make a homemade dinner etc... Then pat yourself on the back...they are simple things but for people hurting they are big steps toward healing.