I've had herpes for over 20 years and life is good, I have currently entered into a relationship and have told my gf that i have herpes, she is very understanding and has done her own research, but one thing she was told is that a condom can't always protect her, she was told she could get exposed from other parts of the body around the affected area. I have not had an outbreak in the past 4 years and when I did every one was in the same place which was close to the tip of my penis of which a condom would cover. Is anyone aware of having outbreaks in random area's of which a condom would not help, thats for your advice and help.
yes, it's asymptomatic shedding and the virus can shed elsewhere, not just where your last outbreak was. For genital hsv, it is common for the virus to shed in the entire "boxer short" region. I unfortunately contracted this after only having sex twice, both times using protection with my ex. He said he didn't have it and he had no visible signs. Most do not know the have it since they never get outbreaks and hsv is not in the standard std panel test.
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that's a handout that can put the risk factor into perspective. It's a low risk when the proper precautions are taken. maybe that would help ease her a little. :)