I've pretty much self diagnosed myself. I have a doctors app

I've pretty much self diagnosed myself. I have a doctors appt on monday to confirm. Idk how to feel, i dont think its really set in yet. Im scared...scared to touch my son. Scared that i wont find someone to spend my life with. At first i thought they were a couple of ingrown hairs. Then a few blisters popped up. Im not one to have meaningless sex or sleep around. They say bad things come in 3's...i lost my job and my girlfriend in the same week. A month later this happens. I keep praying that im wrong and that i have nothing to worry about. Im pretty sure that i know the answer tho. Im not one to do this. I tend to keep my problems my problems and never talk to anyone about things. But i know i need help now. How do i cope? How do i become happy after this? Someone please help me

Did you go to the doctor? Good news only I hope!

You should go go doctors and get it checked out.
There's people here who can help you through the rough times. Dont let the unfortunate series of events bring you down.

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