I was just diagnosed with fibro. today....scared and feel like I'm in the dark....I'm engaged to be married what will he think? So many questions running through my mind, I just want to cry!!!
Hi Blueeyes, thank you so much for being here with us. I can understand why you are feeling scared, but try not to have fear and know that there are treatment options out there. Did your doctor give you any advice and guidance on treatments? I found this site to be very helpful; http://www.myfibro.com/.
Congratulations on your engagement! Your fiance loves you for all that you are and he will be there to help you through this. Please know that you are not alone, we are always here for you.
Thank you, he is going to check my vitamin D level and then talk with me about pain managment therapy and meds??? I have health issues (seizures, thyroid, restless leg, depression, high bp) so I already take enough meds lol and will soon start taking something for high triglycerides geeezzz when does it end...but atleast I think I know how this happened...I was bit by a deer tick years ago and got rocky mtn. spotted fever and lyme disease, ever since then my health has been down hill......but I truely appreciate your encouraging words I hope my fiance dosen't feel like this is too much...he is so great and it would devistate me to lose him....
Blueeyes, I know that you will get through this and regain your health. Sometimes I don't know why we go through what we go through health-wise, but I do believe that our bodies are resilient and that's such a beautiful thing. As well, I can only imagine that you have a kind, caring and compassionate fiance who will love you through anything and everything. Please let me know how things are progressing for you.
Thank you for the encouragement, today was very tiring, I had to take a nap for 2 hours but he was so sweet about it, never fussed even tucked me in lol...he is so precious I just don't want him to feel overwhelmed by negative things...he has alot of energy and tends to stay busy where I tire easily but I try to keep up lol... but he realizes I'm fighting my body it seems... also my appitite has changed drastically either I'm not hungry, or I begin to eat and only eat a very small amount and get nauseated or just stay neaseated...have you ever had this problem???
dear Blueeyes, alot of us can relate, but your doctor can tell you better than I or anyone out here what's going on with your appetite in your case with your body, your conditions and your meds. keeping track of what kinds of appetite changes you experience, the foods you eat and the meds you take day by day may be useful to you and your doctor. i can usually get my doctors attention when he sees i have kept a log on a given issue. i hope things are going well for you and i just stopped by to give you support today. be well. living with pain is tough and a long haul, but once you find that balance for yourself that involves your own careful structured delicate way of living accounting for necessary time outs you will be just fine. energy levels can actually rise at times and enjoyment of living can swell.
Just remember to take one day at a time and know that it's okay to rest when you are tired or in pain. You are lucky to find an understanding man, it is hard to find one when most of the world has never heard of Fibro.
Stanisz & Jassy,
Thank you s much for the words of encouragement....I truely needed them Not eating due to the nasuea made my blood sugar fall for 53 and took forever to get to 88 but finally after two days it's up to 105 again....just had to force food in and i'm overweight some....lol how odd, but anyway, I had lost 10lbs in like a week due to the new diet I was on to lower my triglycerides so I guess it went down hill fast...just felt bad all over, but eric has been so amazing, encourages me to rest...I never thought he would understand this I don't think I am handling it as well as he is............SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE I AM A BURDEN AND LETTING HIM DOWN BECAUSE I HAVE THIS "THING" WRONG WITH ME..........CAN ANYONE RELATE AND TELL ME HOW TO COPE WIH THIS PART OF IT????
I totally know how you feel with "being a burden". I always feel like that and used to keep the pain inside but it's not worth it. It just makes the fibro even stronger. It's ok to ask for help, even from strangers. Sometimes I have to ask my friends to drive because my legs are in too much pain. Yes, they roll their eyes but they do it because they love me. Make friends with people who also have fibro near you. They understand what youre going through and usually go out of their way when you have a bad day. My best friend also has it and we understand that some days we have really bad days and have to ask for favors from one another. And of course we are all for you.
Yes exactly that's how I feel and what I have been doing....I don't want to let anyone know when I hurt because I'm affraid they will get tired of being around me....I don't want to be a person who complains all the time you know....
Yep-but its worth complaining than being in even more pain. You can also find other ways of dealing with the pain so that you keep your "complaining" and anxiety around others to a minimum like writing or taking a short walk.
dear blueeyes, please stop beating yourself up, it will only create stress and make the pain and fatigue worse. your boyfriend sounds like a loving man and will be glad to care for you through this and as you find your way around it you will lead a rich full life despite and because of. you will be more than whole.i married my husband of twenty years knowing i had fibro and now i care for him. talk about role reversal!!lol!! so you never know how things will turn out in life. just take it one day at a time and start your new life living and learning all you can about how to care for youself in new ways.all my best to you.
You know I write poetry so writting would be a good thing for me to do, and walking would help I'm sure .... my legs arms and back are the worse points of my pain so maybe it would relieve it somehow...thanks so much Jassy :)
how lovely and wonderful to hear that you write poetry! yes, yes, yes! do write some poetry. funny i can relate about the arms and legs. mine hurt alot too. but then i hurt all over too. i write poetry too sometimes, i have a collection. and i write short stories. have not written in a long time. i get a big release from writing. make sure you are ergonomically correct or you will increase the pain that’s my advice for sure! go for it!!! i am hoping and have faith that you will find solace and comfort in your witing…
Thank you Stanisz,
I was just affraid I guess...but relationship is about trust in one another so I guess I need to trust him and us now more than ever right ...
dear Blueeyes, also, this is a good forum for writing your journal, tell us how you feel, what you tried that day to make your self feel better, what works and what didn't. have you tried a nice warm epsom salt bath? that works nicely before a nap, about 2/3 cup of salts to a med size bath warm and soak till the water gets cool. just don't get the water too hot. it is a wonderful self help relaxing way to deal with the pain before a nap. all my best to you.
thanks for the wonderful ideas...i have noticed too warm of water tends to make me feel bad...
hello blueeyes - how are you doing? just stopped by to let you know we are still supporting you.
Thanks...it's been an ok day...I did get to spend time with my youngest daughter (18)...but it wore me out such a long drive
dear in Pain, you are wonderful to drive all that way however far it is to go to see your daughter, i am absolutely sure she really appreciates your visit! i have hope and faith in all of us today.