don't try and commit suicide because if you fail you'll go to a mental hospital those places are not good for anyone i've been six times and would prefer to stay out and i hope you make that decision to
well thank u for that info i will remember it if i ever get to that stage in life, but more to the point how are u doing?
Im doing good staying out of the hospital though im never to sure of how long that will last the last time i went was in february or march i always go back because im always suicidal i have major depression but so far ive been doing really good i still feel suicidal and depressed at times but i manage to get back on track i should feel suicidal i have health problems i deal with as well as family and mental health that seem to have no end.but so far im doing it i dont know maybe i just got lucky
good for u staying positive despite all the traumas u have to put up with. i dont think its luck i think u are being a superstar for staying on track so well. anything i can do to help or assist u
just by being a friend your doing enough already.keep doing that and listening. Now how did you come to this site anyway if you don't mind me asking
hon i have a disabled daughter who has lived longer than she was meant to and now she is loosing weight, for no reason but rather than panic i thought i would look around see who else could b in the same boat as me and offer help and support and at the same time stay sane and have a focused positive attitude and enjoy our time together so here i am all ready and willing to b a friend a shoulder to cry on or just a soundingboard for others thinking of u thinking of me :D