Just found out my wife is talking to someone I asked her not

Just found out my wife is talking to someone I asked her not to talk to. She has no idea I know. Doesn't look to be anything bad. I don't know what to do.:(

You should tell your wife you know what she is doing and remind her that you do not approve of those conversation. And if she does it again after you told her not to then you should take a different approach at the situation.

1 Heart

I know she is going say why are you looking for things? Don't you trust me?
It's been almost a year. I still don't 100% trust her.

She has no right to be upset with you looking. Trust your gut and look for as long as YOU feel you need or want to. If she Isn't doing anything wrong then what's her issue. She should do anything and everything to make you feel secure. Best wishes

1 Heart

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