Just found out that I’m failing one of the classes I need

Just found out that I’m failing one of the classes I need to graduate. This is the last class I need in order to graduate and it’s required for me to pass it to be able to graduate. I’ll see if I can talk to my professor about it and see if I can get my grade up before I graduate since this course isn’t offered for 2 more years. I’m just a little below the passing grade but I’m scared the more assignments I do will bring my grade down even more than bring it up. I’m just feeling really stressed right now. I don’t know what to do.

Just slow down, become calm, and try to focus more on this class than others for this week. Make sure you're eating really healthy, go for a walk, then go to the library. It doesnt help to focus on the future, you have a plan to email your prof, and Im sure theyll be supportive.

1 Heart

it probably feels like the end of the world but it is not! Think of all the classes you have and are passing, you can do this.
See if you can find someone to tutor you for the class you are having problems with. Talking to the professor, maybe you will be able to retake an exam or rewrite an essay.
The professor wants to see you succeed, the same as you.

1 Heart

Does your college offer any tutoring?

@Fohb460 I think so, but I’ve never used it before.