Just. Joined. As. Just. Been diagnosed. With fibromalgia,,,a

Just. Joined. As. Just. Been diagnosed. With fibromalgia,,,after. Years. Going. Back. N forward. To. Docs. ,,where. They. Told. Me. It. Was. Sciatica. I. Was. Having. , then. Told. Me. Had. A. Breakdown ,,but. Finally. Got. A new. Lady. Doc. Who. Told. Me. What. Was. Wrong. With. Me. After. Being in agony. So. Exhausted. I. Was. Falling, n having. To. Quality of. Life. N. Am only. 42. /so. I. Thought I. Join support. Group on. Line,,to. Get. Advice n tips. From. People. Who. Has. It. Too

HI there and welcome, this really is such a fantastic place to get and give support! Although we are happy to meet you, I am sorry you have been in so much pain. It can be such a relief when we at least have a label for something we are going through!

Yeah. I'm am glad. To. Get. To. Bottom. Of. It. I. Battled. With. Docs. For. 7. Yrs,, I. Rough. At. Moment. But. Doc. Says. Because. It. Isn't. Control. Yet,, hopefully. On. Right. Medication. It. Help. I. Just. Got. To. Learn. To. Live with. It,,,I'm. Lucky. Got. My. 3. Grandkids. Who. Keep. Me. Going xx

I. Am. Learning. Ton life. With. Fibromalgia. I. Am. Relieve. I. Know. What's. Wrong. With. Me. I. Felt. I'll. for. 7 yrs. until. A. New. Doctors. Diagnosed. Fms,, my. Grandkids. Keep. Me going,,I. Am. Feeling. Bit. Better. The. Day,,I. Had. A wee. Walk. Out. Side. ,, how's. U. Xxxx

Helenmarie welcome! -I was diagnosed about 7 years ago -it's not an easy thing to live with -but we can all benefit from other people's experience n what helps them. I'm on meds too and yes they have helped but there are still bad days n good days. I find exercise can be a true help. But when your having a very painful day I know that's hard too. I find swimming to be what I turn to on these days. The water is gentle n soothing. My body moves easier in the water and I always feel better when I'm done ! Best of luck to you!

One. Of. My. Pals. Is. Going. To. Teach. Me. To. Swim. If. Not. I. Get. Lessons. In had. A. Wee walk. The. Day,, my. Hubby. Going. To take. Me. On. Wee. Walks,,,my. Husband. Is. Taken. It. Hard,, He. Got. A. Leaflet. To. Read. About. Fibromyalgia. He. Didn't. Know. Anything. About. It. ,,doc. Thought. It. Would. Help. Us. Understand. It. Xxx

I'm sure it is hard on our loved ones when we are not feeling well! That's wonderful that he is reading the leaflet n wants to educate himself!