Have been an alcoholic for many years, strggling to stay sober....evetone says aa, but does not seam to work for me. Have been a functioing alcoholic for the last few years till I lost my good job due to it, after that got really depressed and got im my car after drinking way to much. Crashed into someone, dui...thank god nobody was hurt. .blew a .24 after pretnding could not blow...they took blood after about 2hrs, so I know it was much higher. Thougjt would have been bottom, stayed sober for a few weeks waiting for court, went to court and my name was not on the docker, da told me to cjeck in every 2 weeks to see if the paperwork from the sheriff had come in yer. Been 3 weeks now still nothing. So I relapse out of my depression wonder what the hell is going on. Basically I drink a half gallon of vodka every 2 days, this last time...2 half gallons in 2 days, wife had to call an abulance and was advised from the doctor if gone to sleep that night my heart would have stopped.
Scared knowing I could have died but still want to drink....
Anyone in here have any other ideas other than aa?
this seems to be the George Best story. You have a second chance. God or who ever you choose to believe in has been notified of you wanting to make a change. Do what ever you can to get rid of your alcohol addiction. Try getting rid of all negative thoughts by doing more things to improve your healthy mind. Try attending some alcohol classes to try cut down on your alcholo that you drink.
Thank u for your post, know it will not be easy. Yes I am a christian, but still keep backsliding.
Your signature hit me the most with tears in my my eyes...
1st - Faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love, was what our what my wife and I based our marrahe on
2nd - was belive in yourself....as I returned from the hospital yesterday my wife gave me a card that said I belive in you.
She is the one who got me to join this group and I just laughed it off as a joke, but maybe she is right.....funny thing being my wife? No matter what, she is always right
Thanks again for your kind words
May the peace and love of Jesus Christ be upon both you and your family
I'm sorry, but AA is the only thing that ever worked for me but it took time lots of time, lots of meetings, and lots of asking for help. Another alcoholic is really the only other person who can understand what you're going through, go on some chat sites for alcoholilsm, maybe start there and find someone with good recovery to talk to on a regular basis. Getting and staying sober isn't something we can do by ourselves.
I hope u do not shut the door on A.a. , they have chat rooms and meetings online, ALSO try N.A. meetings in your area; ALCOHOL is a drug. they also have chat rooms and meetings on line. I wish you the very very best. I am on day 24, almost over ! yeah. I just do it minute to minute. Don't buy it, don't use it. It is not easy....but can be done ! yes. You said you have a wife, KEEP her. YOU were given a second chance; means you have a purpose , yeah. Thanks for sharing , I needed to hear it !
I have tried AA in the past - AA did not work for me.
But, I am not religious - I have no faith based beliefs.
AA has worked for many others, perhaps you should try AA again?
I'm not judging you but your accident was very significant.
I posted a ? re an alternative treatment to AA, there must be other methods available to quit drinking (everyone has told me you cannot control your drinking, must quit ...??)