Just venting: I hit the wall before 8am this morning. The vi

Just venting: I hit the wall before 8am this morning. The vices of The City are sometimes pervasive, homelessness and addiction are in the open and I often feel smothered with this problem that is beyond my ability to fix it. Homeless junkie sprawled out in front of my office door with their needle, all this garbage and the drug baggies I have to walk through and step over to get in. I have tons of compassion, but it is my job to clear the sidewalk and get the office open for business and this is a regular occurrence, I am just not handling it well today. Then I am bringing this mangled dog to work to play nurse, I have to take him to "do business" out in the park across the street (full of hazardous litter from the homeless neighbors). This lady let her German Shepherd off leash and it came straight over to us, of course I panicked and this lady looked at me disdainfully and was like, "my dog isn't going to hurt you", she is clueless that we were just attacked by a big off leash dog several days ago and that I am experiencing a touch of post traumatic stress from it. Not a full blown panic attack, just a small emotional break down given the triggers. Crying it out at my desk before my colleagues show up to the office. I move through the world with this mask of confidence and optimism, but it is all an act. I am here on the internet pouring out my soul and worries to strangers; strangers with bigger problems than mine. Kind strangers that hear me out even though they are also going through things. Please, dear friends of supportgroups.com, don't tell anyone my secret!

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3 Hearts

@spriterook7 Oh yes, the smell of the pee is the scent of the city!

Lol! Some native Alaskans actually collect the moose droppings and make trinkets out of them like earrings and chapstick. True story, look it up for a good laugh!

1 Heart