Just venting

Some days I am so overwhelmed, other days I'm able to be the "survivor" that everyone thinks that I am.

Hi kbow, I can relate to what you posted. I take life one day at a time sometimes having to break that down into minutes and seconds. I can deal with it better that way. Sometimes some days it is all I can do to put one foot in front of the other. But with the help of God and others I make it through. Keep sharing. i know how much it helps me to talk with others. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

I can relate on some level. Its ok to feel strong and its ok to feel weak. We're not superhuman. Sometimes our desire to live up to others' expectations is what drains us of our valuable energy and leaves us feeling weak. Try to allow yourself to feel safe no matter how your feeling, what your mood, or how much or little energy you have. You said that you're a survivor. That's great! Rest in that fact and enjoy the fruits of your struggle. This particular life canvas is being painted by you, about you, and for you. Let the beauty of it please you and give you joy. If, as a by-product, others enjoy it too...well then all the better.

Thanks for the feedback! Guess that's what we're here for, to help each other along the path of life! Thanks! :)

From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder