Just want to introduce myself

Hello all! Just wanted to let you all know that your stories have truly inspired me. Thank you so much. I have been using opiates for 10 years now. I am so tired of living this way. Tired of all the lies, tired of making sure I have something. I know each and everyone of you knows what I am talking about!!! Just think, this time next year I will be able to look back on this time and think, "wow, what a horrible nightmare!!" What makes this time different than all the other times I have tried to stop? Well, without trying to sound too much like a NA meeting, you truly are only as sick as your secrets. And as painful as it was (on my pride), I finally let others know that I am struggling and need some help!! So, I am letting you all know too!! I am struggling and I need some help!! Thank you to each of you for your stories, quotes, and thoughts for the day. I am so thankful to have found this website.

Hi HLJ67, Welcome to SupportGroups.com . How are you doing today? I take it you go to NA meetings? How are those working out for you? Do you have a sponsor? Keep taking it one day at a time. Keep letting us know how you are doing and how we may help you. We are all here for you. ((((hugs))))

I just had this feeling I would hear from you!! I can tell so much about you from the things you write. Would love to hear your story sometime. And yes, I am doing all the things I am supposed to be doing at the moment. Thanks for asking. Have a blessed night.

Hi there HLJ67...so glad you found us...in my recovery therapy group today we talked about denial & it sounds as if you are finally moving past yours...great job !!!! I know the feeling of being sick & tired of being sick & tired...would love to hear your story some day...I was on opiates for about 10 years also...where will I get the next bunch of pills? how can I keep 'them' from finding out how many I actually take? How can I function without them? was my biggest question as I determined to get off them. But that was it, I was determind...And now I don't feel as if I need them all the time. Sure I just had a relapse 30 days ago but it lasted 1/2 a day & I got back on track immediately. That's one thing I've learned through this recovery process, and it is a process, if I fall down, pick myself up & get moving fromwhere I left off. All is not lost.

Does NA work for you? I've been taking prescription pills for 5 years now and im ready to quit. Im thinking about going to NA next week! I've heard good things and bad things about it. But I hope your doing well! Congrats on getting clean!!!

Hi Amanda! yes NA does work for me as long as I let it. AS long as I work the program & see the similarities among everyone instead of looking FOR thr differences (like I did when I first started going)I helps a lot. GOing to the meetings & talking with my sponsor & other members is one of the best parts of my recovery. I do have to admit that I did have to go into rehab to first get off all the pills I was taking though. I was on pills for 10 years as I said before. I believe it is important to have medical support to get off anything. That may mean inpatient treatment- your DR having you on a taper program on an outpatient basis. I for one couldn't do that. You never know what could go wrong getting off whatever it is you're on. Everything has ill effects when coming off. But if you can't afford medical treatment for whatever reason NA or AA is the surest route in MY book. Good luck to you.

The rooms of AA/NA were the last thing I tried and the first thing that worked. I was out there for 15 years trying to quit on my own...no, there comes a point when we can't do it alone.
I've been free since Thursday January 31, 2008 and my life although is far from perfect, is wonderful.
You don't have to live like this anymore.
If you want to know my story, I'm in the prescription pill journal section from about a year or so ago.

Hi HLJ67, welcome and thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so proud of you and for the steps that you are taking to take care of yourself. We are here to support you through this time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Joplinfrk congrats on being clean for so long!!!