I am on a mission to kick depression's butt to the curb!! once and for all!!
for how much time have i lost to my depression? too **** much!
I have fought it before and I shall have to continue to fight it.
I will be saying my nightly prayers tonight, praying for everyone whom is lonely, who is depressed, who is struggling in any shape or form.
the willingness to overcome this depression is what is gearing me up now.
No longer will I be a slave to my emotions, I am just flat out tired of it taking me over as it does
I refuse to cooperate with this depression but instead I will continue to kick it's butt to the curb where it belongs
flush it down the toilet , take out the trash, and all my depression goes with it.
For this life is too short, too sweet to lose it to this **** depression.
Let us face it life is no picnic BUT I refuse to let my depression have it's way with me for the rest of whatever
I have given it power over me, today and this evening I am taking back my own power over it.
I refuse to lt it take me over again as it is so good at.
I do realize that during my life span so far I have spent way too much time with it and that is making it a bear to shake off now ,because it just goes into auto drive w/o any effort.
It takes some effort to catch it and say uh hun ? i see you now and I see that You need me to cooperate with you to have your self pity party of gloom , doom and destruction.
NO MORE , I am sick and tired of it!!
that **** depression has been a menace to me for as long as I can remember
I have had quite e **** nuff of it.
I shall forthwith beat this depression becasue it is just no way to live
I shall strive for HARMONY for LOVE for PEACE for FORGIVENESS.
so i have problems, what else is new?
this is not new
each time I receive some "bad" news I make the decision again and again
what to do about this? what can i do about this?
Honestly if I can simply get the control back over my feelings than there is nothing can hurt me. I see more and more clearly how I must be allowing it to happen and at that exact same moment I can instead
transcend, rise, adapt, accept
you know the song from childhood that says
"row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily m errily merrily, life is but a dream"
it says noting about rowing up stream in a rage against the current now does it?
no it doesn't it said GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM
what is this life anyway?
why all the despair and confusion?
There is so much suffering in the world it is easy to see how this happens.
the worst of it all is that we feel so badly, that it just seems to take over and then we cannot do a **** thing about the actual problems we do face, as a person, individually , collectively or any other way.
feeling that it isn't enough that it will never be enough?
well that is what it feels like
but honestly in all truth it is plenty enough
if we each of us refused to cooperate with the powers that be to disrupt us we can then see through this dark period
we can get through all of the hardships this life brings to us
I am a firm believer in this
I will not give up and I will not give in.
We can make the most of our lives and what we experience
by merely shunning the depression
Well it is now 1am in my parts ...Tomorrow I go for the MRIs and then a week from now I may b getting some results back
I found discrepancies in my paperwork that lead me to believe i may not be eligible for disabiltiy
if this is correct i will have to go back to work , regardless my physical condition for 7-10 years before being able to , because of the way they count these credits.
so be it.
hell i had just swallowed my pride about filing, soon as i got over that, i find that i may not be able to.
**** if i can understand how this stuff works.
if it is the case, SO BE IT. i shall forge ahead, what choice do I have?
Today I had a rough day.... stress irritability and yes the depression and hopelessness.
i must carry on and get on with it.
no time to wallow and do the self pity
i have what i need to do what i must do
and i 'm not gonna stop trying
have to move forward
so tomorrow is a new day i have the day etched out as i like for it to go
i shall say my prayers tonight
and i shall visualize myself having a productive day tomorrow
for me productively is happiness
it is all this **** down time i have had on acct of this chronic pain
i'm OVER IT!
i'm over being at its' mercy and particularly at the mercy of the depression
so i'm continuing on w/ my battle and am learning more and more as i go
i will defeat this **** depression
there is just no room for it.
I set forth now on paper that tomorrow IS going to be a good day
I will have a good and productive day
I will use courage, I will use internal fortitude, I will use strength and I will use patience to get through whatever this life brings to me...
just so tired of feeling so **** beat up all the time.
no more!!
so tonight i will be doing a lot of healing meditations , prayers and visualizaions for tomorrow...
and continue in that fashion
i will wait to see the specialist til monday to see what she says about my eligibility with the disability claim , whatever it is , it is and I will have to find a way to earn a keep for myself.
i am being challenged yet again!
Motivated to do whatever I can to in the opposite regard of Depression
and not feed it any longer!
whew! helps to write this stuff out, I will give myself this forum as an accountability to be vigilent and diligent to
protect my freedom from depression
life is what we make it
what am i going to make of it?
what will i say on my death bed?
i dont want to say i wish i would have blah,blah
instead i go forward