Killing myself

i can't handle this pain no longer. i was born to be tortured and i can't hang on any longer.

Little Dove: Hang in there girl. Keep posting your story so we can all support you. I have been getting divorce, infidelity, and depression support and it has kept me going on my very worst days. Also, if you click on the icon that says Support Someone, which is what I just did to find your post, you might find someone who needs YOUR support. The other thing I have found is that responding and supporting other members helps me to focus on something other than my immediate pain. Hang on longer. You can.

nothing is helping :( i need to go

Oh Little Dove, please know that leaving isn't the answer. You've worked sooo **** hard recovering from some really tough things and we are so proud of you!! Tell me what's happening tonight that's making you feel this way... Remember, you are no longer alone and we really do care.

Keep posting... tell us what's on your mind, we are listening.

Big Hugs, Suzee

Nothing is helping YET, but that doesn't mean nothing will help ever. The fact that you are posting here says you want to reach out. Is there a live person you can call to sit with you tonight while you are feeling so bad? If not, I am telling you, it might make you feel better to support someone else for a while. I'm having kind of a ****** week and I feel a teeny bit better when I help someone else.

my dad molested me tonight :,(

OH no! Can you tell someone? Can you call he police? I understand being scared, and maybe you need to tell someone tomorrow morning and that will be safer for you? I am so sorry for what he's done. Please remember it's not your fault Little Dove!! He has something wrong with HIM!!! HE is the one with a serious problem and he needs to be in jail.

Lets find a plan for you OK? You need to talk to someone that can help you out of this nightmare. There is life beyond the abuse and I promise you that!! When terrible things happen to us, we sometimes believe that the journey ahead of us isn't ever going to be ok. We feel like we can't possibly speak our truths and that it's just too much to deal with.. but it's not too big to battle. Please tell me how you are, I'm so sorry that this has happened...

Sending big safe hugs, Suzee

How old are you? Who can you call to protect you? Off the top of my mind I think of the obvious, call the police. If that isn't an option, call your aunt, your grandma, a friend's mom, tell a doctor, tell a counselor. Some of these people would have to step up and tell the authorities who must protect you. I am glad Suzee answered because she knows way more about this stuff than I do.

i made it through the night.... idk what to do now though :(

LIttle dove, did you tell your mother? i know from our talks how your felt about your parents mostly your father. You need to tell someone you dont have to go trough this. Remember when i asked you if your father has any mental issues ? well HE does i understand now how HE is and you need to tell some one your not in this alone but you DONT deserve this. HE has turned into someone who hurts you. YOU ARE STRONG you CAN make it through this but you have to get help. please know it is NOT your fault it is HIS fault for hurting you. (HUGS) you will make it dear hang in there i know right now it seems like life is horrible and that you are helpless but your not. Do you have a friends you can go to ? getting out of that house would be a good thing as well as telling your mom and an authority. you didnt deserve this HE is wrong HE is really really wrong. im sorry this is happening to you i know you already had a hard battle but you will make it through we are here for you

Little Dove, Dahlia is soooo right!! It is HIM that has the problem! I pray that you can tell someone today. Please let us know how you are doing!! I've been very worried about you and am really hoping you keep us updated.

Sending prayers and hugs, Suzee