hey, this is awkward so I'm just going to type this and not think about it, my friends make jokes about cutters, they don't know I am one, I wear jackets or long sleaves all the time and I worry that if they found out I'd be alone again...
have you ever said something when they make jokes? not that you tell them you are , but that you know someone who is and that it is awful.
you know, someone at some point is going to offend us. if they knew you did and still did it.....yeah that's a problem.
people are ignorant and afraid of what they don't know. start educating them.
abd btw - you always have us here so you're never alone!
Thanks that helps
Someone close to me used to, but when my friends made those jokes I didn’t say anything, good point is they don’t do it much anymore,
i am assuming you cut often?
are you getting help for yourself too?
you know, worst case scenario, if you try to say something and eventually you tell them you are a cutter - they stop being your so-called "friends"
and if that happens, they really weren't your friends to begin with.
i have cut before, a handful of times, but not bad.
i understand why you do or have done it though.
it made sense to me too at the time.
I have been in the same boat as you Druitt. My friends make jokes about it all the time. It is very hard. I dont say anything because I dont want them to assume I do it. It's none of their business.
I am here for you if you need anything. :)
Hmmmm, Right now I am going through the exact same thing... I had to hide it from the people I thought would always be here. Then they found out. And they swallowed their own foot.. They felt so bad. Now, they don't look at me the same.. I need help with this as well.
I am pretty open and honest with people I meet and become friends with. I put most of it out there when the friendship is new. There's no surprises this way. Some people can understand, some can handle it and some can't.
I am very matter of fact about myself now and don't pretend to be something I'm not. I want people to like me for me, who I am the way I am.
If you don't like me, that's fine, there's the door.
Don't let it hit you in the *** on your way out!
hey there
i too struggle with people who makes jokes about cutting or mental illness. i have cut for several years and i did it so badly that i can never wear short sleeves again. i feel ashamed enough by myself without having to hear other people's comments. one time a friend of mine saw a scar and actually said 'what are you a psycho cutter?' and laughed. they thought that was so funny, but yet they didn't know that i actually was a cutter. i have been hospitalized for my depression and each time i come out more friends leave me. they dont understand so they walk away instead of being by my side. i have learned the hard lesson that these people weren't really my friends. at first i was so sad, but now i realize that i am better off without those people. friends who can't support you, are just not friends. please don't feel awkward, there are people here who understand. you're not alone. i am currently in counseling and it has been helping me a lot. have you ever thought about giving that a try? if you ever need anything or just want to vent, feel free to message me :)
Thank you again, everyone, really. It helps beyound mesure that someone else is there and actually knows whats going on...
Know I'm late with a reply, but just joined and have been in the same boat with friends regarding other issues. I suppose they know better than to make fun of the cutting issue since I've very open and they're way too obvious to hide.
I'm a firm believer in "knowing your audience", b/c when you don't, there's a sizeable possibility that you're bound to say something stupid and/or offensive. My significant other found this out after years of bulimic jokes and finally having me reveal that throughout all of that, I'd been suffering from it for the greater part of 11 years.
I suppose in one sense, its good to know how they feel on the subject, so as not to put yourself in a situation of looking for support when they obviously have no idea of what its like, nor the desire (thus far) to understand the underlying issues which cause such behavior...
But on the other hand, thats gotta be tough..being the butt of someone's joke and not having them know. Hopefully their comedic routine will continue to venture into less offensive subject matter. I'm around if you need to talk.
Having just joined I'm sorry if I am late in posting.... I never cut deep enough to scar but I have been known to cut open large amts of skin at one time.....After 7 years of no cutting I am finally confident enough with who I am that when someone I know starts to joke about cutting I cut them off and advise them that are being rude. I then immediately tell them I am a cutter try to help them understand it. The only way that we can lose the stigma is to get the word out that we are just normal people with a disease.... but before you are to the point where you can do that you must figure out why you injure yourself and get it under control. When you realize you are in control of yourself you find you can do a lot of things you didn't think possible.