Lap band anyone?

Anyone had the lapband done? I was banned november 29th. Just wondering if anyone else has done this surgery?

I considered it when I was obese but didn't follow are your results thus far?

So far so good ive had it for a month and lost 18 pounds I started dieting on my own since feb and ive lost 65 but im wanting to lose 87 more

Is it permanent? What happens when ur done losing?

I had gastric banded surgery in 1995. The first year, I lost 150 lbs. The next year, I lost another 25 lbs. Then it started to creep back on. Now I have managed to maintain 130 lbs of the original weight off. I never reached my goal of losing 210 lbs and keeping it off. I am 80 lbs over what I would like to be. Also, my skin did not adjust so I had to have a tummy tuck. As for my arms, well I have never been able to use any sleeveless tops. Hope this helps.:)

I thought gastric was a permanent solution? I was 278lbs in jan and am now 123lbs but due to an eating disorder. I have loose skin u get loose skin from gastric and lapband?

The lap band is permanate once I get to goal I just maintain my weight I havent had a fill yet but when I do im sure ill lose lots more. Im sure ill have lose skin my arms are already hanging. Was your gastric bypass the staples? My grandpa had gastric twice and always gained back. My dad has the lapband and has lost over 100 pounds.

I do not think it was stapled. It has been 15 years already. Wow! In any case, I would have loved to have lost all the weight and not have loose skin to deal with. Nonetheless, I am happy that I no longer weigh 350 lbs! I am trying to lose the extra 80 lbs this year once and for all.

Sounds like the loose skin is guarenteed no matter what, ****** deal.

So true.:frowning:

Ltg thats awesome! At least you lost alot. Way to go.

Thank you.:slight_smile: It beats not being able to fit into seats and clothes.

Is the maitanance on the band free?

It depends if your insurance covered it for if you paid out of pocket. Which I paid out of pocket so my doctors visits and fills are covered for one year

Obviously this is not an option for me, I just like to further educate myself, hope u don't mind the questions

No I don’t mind. I am just being honest about what happened to me. I wish I had another way to lose the weight. For me it was a good option since I was morbidly obese. I was disappointed with the sagging skin and stretch marks, but at least I was thinner.:slight_smile: Hope you find the right solution for you and for your health.
All the best!

I dont mind at all ask away lol

I lost 155lbs but by no means was it a healthy way, I have an eating disorder prior to which, I was morbidly obese.

I hope that you find yourself the help you need lilac

I was just approved for the lapband surgery i think alittle skin is better thank dying young from a heart attack or stroke though...alot of insurance companies will pay for it to be removed if it becomes a medical problem like keeps getting irritated in the creases etc. hope things go well for you
