Last October I met the most beautiful girl, inside and out

Last October I met the most beautiful girl, inside and out. Nearly 3 months ago she broke it off and I just can't let go. It pains me everyday. Shortly after, I was admitted to a psychiatric facility and that's when I learned of my diagnosis. Now I feel like every failed relationship was my fault. And I can't let go of the fact that I had to lose this girl to find out. Idk how to accept my situation. I'm feeling hopeless.

1 Heart

torturedparadox, you are NOT a failure. You are just very susceptible to abandondment and you are difficult to be in a realtionship with , but not impossible, it just takes the will to make it work. Don't give up and don't blame yourself, you didn't make yourself this way.

1 Heart

torturedparadox, it doesn't make you responsible for every failed relationship in your past. It ALWAYS takes two people to make a relationship or to blow one up. Don't give up just be aware of your vulnerablities in relationships and TALK to your partner, communication is the most important thing in any relationship.

2 Hearts

Thank you for this. I really did my best to communicate this time. I think I tried too hard. I'm doing my best to get past it and I start therapy on Wednesday. Your kind words are so appreciated

1 Heart

@torturedparadox I agree with dark_and_twisty… It does take two in any relationship to make it work. Perhaps, you will eventually feel different about this girl… Everybody is’Unique’ and ‘Special’ in their own right including you and, just because you have a few problems, (who doesn’t) does not make you ‘Invisible’… Your feelings are as important as, anybody else’s… It’s good your going to therapy and, I hope it helps… When life is ready, to put the ‘Right’ person in your path, it will. This way, although you are hurting now, when that right person comes along, you will be much more prepared to experience Love because, you will ‘Undersatnd’ yourself better which, can only be a good thing… I’m here to talk or PM me anytime if you’d like too. Sent with love, Trish x