Life is so shit....why there are so much People who just pun

Life is so ****....why there are so much People who just punge me in the face -.- only one Bad comment to Hit me about my figgure let me break down ... now I am crying and just want to hide me for the Rest of my life because my little selfconfidence is Destroyed again ... I Do Not want to go some where because I feel to fad and i am afraid to here sth what will give me a breakdown... right now i am Not sure if I Almost can stand one more Situation like thus even if I have a normal sportiv figgure.. I just feel sooooooooo fad and hate myself for Destroying myself with binging!!!!!

I am so sorry to hear you are so upset but I completely understand your frustration. I know how hard it is to see the damage done through bingeing. But I think bingeing and poor body image are two seperate issues. I hate my body aswell but loads lots of people are the same. We will never recover from bingeing if we focus on our weight because we wont have the patience with ourselves to recover and just go in a diet that will make us binge again. I know it is hard but maybe if you started complimenting your body for what it does or the smallest thing you like about it. I cant believe somebody would comment on your body. That is horrible and whoever said it is too mean and ignorant to even be worth crying about. I know it is easier said than done but please try to accept your body and see how strong and brave you are. X x x

@notallright If you feel like that ‘Good For You’… However, being a suffer of ‘Anorexia’ for over 17 years and, having ‘Bulemic Tendancies’ throughout this time, sorry, if I don’t feel the way you do… Every day throughout these years, have been a constant ‘Horrendous’ struggle just, to stay alive never mind, appreciating it and be grateful for ‘IT’… Anorexia for ‘ME’ is an ‘All’ Encompassing and Overwhelming illness which, has totally ‘screwed’ my ‘life-up’… Most days, I wish I’d never been born…

I know there are a Lot of things i Should do with it ... but if I Do Not feel comfortible with it and hate it and be afraid that everyone Sees me like this I Don t know how to do all the stuff and feel well during it ....

1 Heart

@liinali10 Hi, I understand how you feel. It is so hard and, sometimes you just don’t know, what to do for the best or, how to take another step forward in the right way…if you ever want to talk, PM me anytime… Sent with love, Trsi x