Life with aspergers

Having aspergers has made me somewhat anti-social but I went to a social skills group and made alot of friends there and even some loving relationships with 4 people. some asked me out or hitted on me and I denied. does anybody else face a simular problem with aspergers as I do at times?

i'm so sorry meathead that your having so much anguish with socializing, i did when i was young although i don't have aspergers i chose other options in trying to fit in socially and it created a monster of addiction. lets hope someone else on the site can share their experiences that could be of some assistance to you.

Well I think some can and I am glad things are going well for you Kathy =).

I find that it feels like I'm missing half of the conversation most of the time. Wouldn't know if someone was hitting on me unless they were extremely straightforward about it or someone else told me that was what was happening.

It's easier to talk to other aspies although I wouldn't say I'd automatically like someone just because they are aspie. It's just easier to understand them once we get past the apprehension of having to actually talk to another human being.

I don't know anything about social skills groups. What sorts of things did you learn?

Yeah it is easier to make friends with people you have things in common with whether its physically, Mentally, Religiously, Racially, or even by the same sexual oriantation. In the groups we learned how to talk to people and give them a certain amount of space so they can breath lol. We would do alot of example demonstrations, help each other with our problems, exchange numbers, play games, we would also have pot lucks, picnics, outtings, and parties. It is mostly for people with Aspergers, High autism, and Social anxiety.

i'd be curious to meathead if your willing to share your experience.

I found out late in life that I had Aspergers and boy it clears up a lot of things but sad that it took so long to discover.

How long exactly?