Every single pic you post is fab!!
@spriterook7 thank you I try to find ones that help all of us
I love this.
That's why my screen name is turbulence, life has been a bumpy ride. Nice post.
@turbulence thank you Turby
Yeah what doesnt kill you makes u stronger
@Linds so they say
I hate that saying. If I am so strong - why does this crap continue?
@GailTX I know that they closer I get to GOD the harder satan tries to manipulate me away from HIM. Trials are a part of life and we do get stronger from them if we learn from the.
Sometimes God gives you challenges in life, but you learn from them and from that you end up a stronger person because of what you've been through, no matter how destroyed you are, no matter how tough the situation Your stronger when you overcome it all. It's all a learning experience, even though it's a pretty sucky thing to go through. I think God gives us challenges in life and most the time we don't understand why it happens to us. What I went though with my mother being extremely narsistic, she abused me so bad mentally, and she led me to stop eating all together which led to anorexia. I almost died, I struggled, but i got help from therapy. That experience made me stronger. I'm better now and I'm stronger because I realized that I'm not going to let my mother make me sick and control my life. I'm a married woman. Knowing my mother, she has no boundaries. I'm stronger because I know that if I get sick like that again I've been told by Drs that I may never be able to have children. That gives me strength. Also I'm stronger knowing that I don't need my mother in my life.
@Linds Amen love your response and I totally agree
Indeed. I had a very good family life growing up, well educated and a professional all my life. I waited until I was 35 to finally marry (he was major war hero and pro-fisherman) . He is retired and wants a divorce - no kids.
Thing is, he is a hard-core NPD case (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) - that is destroying everything, including me. He wants everything that I worked so hard for, and has told so many lies that he is believing them.
Thank goodness for family.
Once they tell lies, they tell lies to cover up those lies they just told. It's a huge process of covering up recent lies all stemming from one lie Inparticular. Narsistic people destroy, your spot on. Don't let him take anything from you like your self esteem or anything else important to you that you need to be you and be happy as a human being and as his wife. I'm sorry you are going through this, it's not easy and it takes a toll on you emotionally and physically. It messes with how you feel about yourself and well the list goes on and on.
Oh, yeah - I am an engineer, not a psych specialist. I never heard of NPD...what an education THAT has been. When I relocated to Houston to enhance my career, he was "so supportive" and promised we would work together on everything. Yeah - well, I have been conned, duped, etc. for 15 + years. I was a very strong woman and person - he slowly chipped away at me...nothing left but an empty shell. I am working on was relieving to hear that it WASN'T my fault. He continues to bully me and threaten me (financially) even from 1200 miles away.
@GailTX about two months ago, I wasn’t feeling well. I don’t get sick and I hate hospitals and doctors (sorry, Dad!). Next thing I know, in the ER for a full day, CCU for two, and ICU another two. I shouldn’t be here. I made it, despite him not even texting or calling.
Have you thought about talking to a lawyer?
@Linds Oh, yes. As soon as I saw that he had made up his mind (DIVORCE and ONLY DIVORCE) - there was no room for conversation, discussion, interactive communication, etc. It was always that way. His way, or no way. The last three months I have cried in my Cheerios, “glass is half-empty” thoughts, screamed alone in my car…it’s actually pathetic if you stop and think about it. I hired a top-notch attorney, paid $$$$, now it’s more paperwork, paperwork, etc. (the distance factor sux) and he should get served within 48 hours… what I wouldn’t give to see that. Meanwhile, he continues to gloat and live on Cloud 9 - thinking he’s gonna take me to the cleaners.
That's good he needs to give you space